DVD Decision....Did I miss it?

Did anyone hear anything about the premixes yet? (I'll be so disappointed if there are none. Karen Voight does a good job on simple premixes--that's all we need!)
I really hope there are premixes. That is something that I use alot. They are also what sets Cathe's workouts apart from all the others.
I am pretty sure they said they would be on individual dvd's. One of the good things about them being on individual dvd's is that if there is a problem like I have developed on my Power Hour dvd where the bodymax abs section wants to totally skip on all players but my sony and on that it freezes twice but continues to play. I hate to spend the money for a whole new dvd just for the ab segment. It costs more for the 3 on one dvd.
Diane Sue
I received an e-mail today from SNM saying they had no plans currently to add all three gym style workouts to one DVD. Therefore, I did not preorder the gym style workouts but did order some of the others.
I too will not buy the Gym Style (although it sounds like it is up my alley) because the price is too high to get a 1/3 of a workout. I thought by the wording in the description that it would be on 1 DVD. I absolutely love Cathe, but this doesn't make economic sense.
For me it's not only economically that this bothers me-- but having to put on three separate dvd's for one full-body workout is too time consuming and a nuisance for me and is the reason I never got PS or S&H when they were on 3 separate tapes. Pyramids on DVD has really spoiled me, and it's hard to understand why a method that is so great and has so many wonderful features isn't going to be duplicated. Was really looking forward to this gym-stle workout, and am most disappointed as there is no way I will be getting it now.
The original post of descriptions of the 10 workouts outlined Gym Style workouts 1, 2 and 3. In a later post, SNM stated that because the technology is getting more advanced, a 1-2 second freeze is unavoidable on some DVD players but no matter how often they explain that this is normal and not due to defective DVDs, certain consumers are convinced that it's the DVD and this creates a headache which can be avoided by producing the DVD's separately.
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

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with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
I sure hope that there are premixes! I often use the premixes more than the actual workout as it was filmed.

Pleae Cathe! I agree that the premixes really set your dvds apart from all others. I will be so disappointed if there aren't any premixes.:(
I have an inexpensive dvd/vcr commbo and never had any problem with a 1-2 second freeze, but even if I did, I would prefer it to the time it would take to go from one dvd to another.

It seems we won't be getting any answer to these posts from Cathe about this. With so many people on this and other posts saying how disappointed they would be if gym-style workout is not on one dvd, I do wish Cathe would answer us and perhaps reconsider changing the decision, if one has already been made.
I think you can count on awesome premixes and workout blender options because it's the dual layering that causes the freezes and the layers are necessary for adding such options. We can't equate this three workout set to Slow and Heavy which is on one disc because Slow and Heavy is chaptered and gives mix and match options and I think Gym Style is going to be much more like the Body Blast. The Intensity Series gave us premixes and Body Blast went further than that. I can't wait to see what we get. I find DVD's so user friendly that changing discs adds very little time to a workout and may even give one a few minutes to catch one's breathe! LOL!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver

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