Cathe, what kind of band do I need?

Hi Cathe,
Can you tell me what kind of resistance band(s) I will need for the Hardcore Series? I only ordered 5 DVDs so I won't be getting the free one. Will I need more than one, what length(s) do I need and where is the best play to buy them?
Thanks for any info you can give!
You can buy the resistance bands when the new dvd will be on sale.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :)
I've also seen three packs of "Dynabands" at either Target or Walmart for a good price. They contain light, medium and heavy resistance, so you can choose what works best for each muscle group, or even combine them for more resistance.
I didn't realise the band was free with purchase of the hardcore series. Where did you see that? I must have missed that part.

Imafitnessfreak, I was happy to see that your link for Power-Systems worked, because the link from this website never works for me. But I tried to buy a few things from them (from Power Systems), but it kept saying: "There are currently no items in your shopping cart". How could you buy from this site? Am I doing something wrong?

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