What's Next


Hi Cathe,
I was curious to know how often do you bring out a new video and how soon after the hardcore series would you be likely to be producing more videos.
My guess is that it is going to be a while. I think you can go a long way with this series. Many rotation combo's and such. I wouldn't look for anything in the near future. From what I can tell this has been her biggest venture yet and she (and the rest of SNM) have to be on the edge of exhaustion. I wash shocked when this one was announced so you never know. . . .
I'm guessing Cathe will be thinking about what it's coming up next this summer. I'm crossing my fingers it's something like CTX (maybe CTX2??) Then a presale in the fall and the new workouts will be ready for 2006. LOL! One can only hope. At the moment, I just can't wait for the new series. I doubt I'll get tired of those for a loooooong time.

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