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  1. D

    Cathe cookbook

    Please send one to me also. [email protected]. Thank you so much! Diane
  2. D

    Looking for a Weight Watcher/Cathe exerciser Buddy

    How about we call ourselves "In our Prime WW/Cathites. If anyone has a better suggestion let me know. Shall we start on Tuesday with a statement of our goals. My goal this week is to get my portions back under control with measurements and I will aim for 6 days of exercise. Good luck! Diane
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    Looking for a Weight Watcher/Cathe exerciser Buddy

    I really need to get busy and lose 30 pounds this summer. I am looking for a cyber workout buddy to email daily and be accountable to. I lost 80 pounds in 1998 and was a weight watcher leader for 5 years and then fell off the wagon. I am looking for someone who is in their 40's and is...
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    WW's and Cathe

    I lost 80 pounds in 1998 on the WW program and Cathe.....spring forward to 2002 and I am still at goal and still working out with Cathe! The combination is a real winner! Loved the program so much that I decided to become a leader..... Join! It will be the best decision yet! Diane Hayes
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    Switching big collection to DVD

    RE: Donation Thanks for all the good ideas. I have a very new collection that I will try to sell or trade but the remaining tapes might be good to take to the library. I am still a little afraid of Ebay! Diane Hayes
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    Switching big collection to DVD

    Did you find Ebay time consuming to set up and respond to bidders? I am alread feeling guilty about selling Cathe's tapes even though I am replacing them with the DVD version! Thanks! Diane
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    Switching big collection to DVD

    I have finally tried some fitness dvd's and will never go back to vhs. How do I get rid of my 100+ collection of vhs tapes. I really don't want to miss with Ebay if I don't have to. Has any one had success selling their tapes anywhere beside ebay? Diane Hayes
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    Happy Birthday to me.......

    Happy Birthday Lori....I share your birthday but you need to count your blessings...I turned 40 today! I started the day with Interval Max at 4:30am just to prove I could still complete this tape at my advanced age! I aslo enjoyed breakfast out and spent the rest of the day shopping with no...
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    All CTX Videos Available Separately

    >Have you decided whether or not you will sell the DVD with the weight and ab work? I would really like to have just that section of the series since I own the VHS tapes. It would be so much easier to do the weight section with the DVD. Have a great day! Diane Hayes
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    Please consider a CTX Upper Body tape as well.

    RE: CTX Upper Body tape >The CTX DVD already has this >option on Disc #2. Will you just sell Disc #2? Diane Hayes
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    Please consider a CTX Upper Body tape as well.

    RE: CTX Upper Body tape I would jump at the chance to own the abs and weight work on a DVD or VHS. I use my ctx vhs tapes all the time but would love the option of having the upper body all together. Are you considering selling a DVD with just this option? Diane Hayes
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    Hitting that plateau

    LAST EDITED ON May-01-02 AT 07:13AM (Est)[p]I am sorry to join the bandwagon so late but could you send me the rotations. I need some fresh ideas! Thanks Kathy. I have 2001 Microsoft [email protected] Diane Hayes
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    Question about Weight Watchers

    LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-02 AT 08:05AM (Est)[p]The biggest change is in the fiber grams on the slide. Just stick to 4 fiber or below and you should be ok. If you have old books, keep in mind that the new fiber requirement will change some of the points. Good Luck. I have maintained my goal at...
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    Survey: what move do you dread?

    Two Words! Crazy Eights! Diane
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    Weight Watchers

    I am a weight watchers leader so I will give you the heads up on activity points. These points are introduced at week four. If you just joined, then you will not receive the slide until then. In order to calculate the points you will need the activity booster point slide. It will take your...
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    Surprise In The Mail

    What a great surprise I found in my mailbox yesterday- a new cataloge that shows all the tapes and dvd's availabe from you. The pictures were awesome. I still remember receiving your cataloge a couple of years ago and was constantly reading about each tape and then reading reviews at Video...
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    Okay....I have waited long enough. Please send them to me.... [email protected] Thank you! Diane Hayes
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    Weight Watchers and Cathe

    I don't post very often but this subject is near and dear to my heart. I am a Weight Watcher leader and love the point system. I joined in Feburary 1998 and lost a total of 84 pounds that year. I discovered Cathe after I had lost around 50 pounds. Her workouts really helped me get to goal...
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    Weight loss check-in 1/28

    RE: I Second the Idea to join Weight Watchers! Just thought I would share that I joined Weight Watchers back in February 1998 and lost 84 pounds on the point system. But, more importantly, I have maintained 80 pounds lost and just celebrated my 2 years at lifetime. Honeybunch is right...
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    Gulity Pleasures Check-in

    Hi Everyone!!! I actually had a good eating week and a good working out week. It is nice to have them at the same time. However, I was congratulating myself on clean eating and decided to reward myself on Saturday with some fat-free bananna muffins. You guessed it......I ended up eating way...