Weight loss check-in 1/28


How did everyone do this week?

My week was good. I would say my eating was between a 4 and 5. I have drank water like crazy this week.

I have felt really good this week and that makes a difference with my workouts. I did Step Heaven twice this week so that should tell you my fun factor was high. I am still doing the PS series once a week and that is working well for me. I think I see more results with MIS but I think I am also gaining strength with PS.

I am going to weigh this Wednesday. Eeeeek! I hope it is encouraging. We'll see!

I hope everyone else had a wonderful week!

Hi Everybody,

Well, I didn't lose this week, but I did at least maintain. After eating too much last weekend, that's all I could ask for.
Didn't get to exercise as much this week due to an ear infection which makes me dizzy. I did eat really good (maybe a 4) for the rest of the week. I'll weigh in on Wednesday or Thursday and let you know what happened. WISHING YOU ALL SUCCESS THIS WEEK!!!!!


To both of you for eating well. I didn't again! But it was still better than the week before. I went from a "1" to a "2.5" on the healthful eating scale. I worked out twice last week, Firm Vol. 4 and also did Vol. 1 for the 1st time.

One good decision I made was to switch to a.m. workouts so I can stop making evening excuses and be more consistent. I'm soooo not a morning person so this will be difficult. On Friday I did get up at 5:30 a.m. Yeaah!! This a.m. was out of the question due to SuperBowl soiree last night. But I'm getting back on track in the morning. I'm going to weigh on Sunday, I should have the nerve by then.

Have a great week all!

I think I will join you! I've been trying to lose weight for the past couple of weeks. Last week, I was a little angel:) and my eating was a solid 5. I'm going Sunday to Sunday. I did lose a little over 2 pounds. I ate about every 3 hours, mostly salads with balsamic vinegar, plain tuna in water, baked fish or chicken, egg whites, berries and carrot/apple juice and flavored seltzer and water. After a couple of weeks of this, I didn't want to look at fish, chicken or salad. So, I bought the Weight Watchers New Cookbook and I'm following their point system and I've been making some of the recipes in there. What a relief to eat some different foods. I am exercising most days. I've been doing 4-5 miles on the treadmill, kickboxing, weights (mostly at the gym but also Cathe's tapes), step and bike. I'm going to add swimming and tennis because they have that at the gym I recently joined, and ice skating (I just bought some new skates). So, I'm hoping that next Sunday, I'll see some more weight come off. I just need some patience, right?
I look forward to reading all of your stories. It's very encouraging to me!:-jumpy
RE: Hi

Hi Abbe,

I'm glad you are joining us. It really is encouraging to read the other posts and know that it is POSSIBLE to do well with eating and exercise. Patience is difinitely a big part of it. That is what I am trying to teach my mother. She thinks she should do good for a month or two and have all her weight off (100+ lbs). She has been doing well though. I do get impatient sometimes myself. With all that crosstraining you'll be doing I am sure that weight will come off for you. I need to get a little more varied with my workouts also.

Good luck with the weight watchers. Keep us up to date on how it's working for you!!! :)

RE: Hi

I'm here, just a little late checking in. My husband has been out of town and its a lot taking care of my kids with no help. But I am happy to report I have been working out even though he is gone- back tonight. Working out on a scale of 1-5 was a 5. Eating- a dismal 2. I was off to such a great start in Jan, but doing downhill. At least I've maintained that initial 8 I lost so this week I'm gonna do better. I'm hoping to report a loss next week.

Crystal, I love FIRM vol 4. What did you think of vol 1? I could never get into it because even though I think Susan Harris is great in Vol 4, I just did not like vol 1. I know lots of people love it though.

I wanted to get some advice from you all:

I know strengh is important, but I'm thinking of just doing cardio for a while because I get so frustrated I can't see those muscles under ann 198 lbs of me. I think if I concentrate on cardio until I get in the 150s then start with strengh I will see my hard work. Plus, I'm starting to look like a football player since the strengh is bulking me up under my fat. No kidding, even though I have lost weight since Nov, my shirts are tighter in the shoulders and sleeves. Its kinda embarrasing.

Anyway, its great having this group, I enjoy reading everyones post and sharing my week as well.

Welcome Abbe :)
RE: Hi


Just wanted to say that of course you have to do what you feel is best for you personally concerning the weight work but....those muscles will help you lose your weight also, even though you can't see them. Maybe you should lighten the weights a bit so you don't "bulk" up that much. I know it is discouraging to lift weights and not see the results as I still have some fat covering mine. I just hope when all the weight comes off that there are some muscles underneath. I believe that there will be!!! Anyway, just my humble opinion.

I agree with Kelly

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-01 AT 06:25PM (Est)[/font][p]My totally unprofessional opinion is to keep up the strength work. The lean muscle you maintain/gain will keep your metabolism going strong even when you are at rest. I think strength work is a great time investment!
RE: I agree with Kelly

What a week. My eating once again was lousy, but I was stressed last week. Excuses, excuses I know. I did do decent today, about a 3.5. I just have to keep reminding myself to take it a day at a time. I did have a pretty good week as far as exercising goes. My week went like this:

Friday--MIS and MSB...I was feeling good enegetic that day

I usually dont have so many "nothing" days a week, but I was busy at work and just feeling a little tired last week except for my burst of energy on Friday, where that came from I'll never know, but hope it comes back again! I started a new rotation on Monday...CTX. Monday (1/29) I did CTX Kickbox and the shoulder portion of another CTX tape. Today I did the step portion of MIC b/c I wasnt in the mood for the cardio portion of CTX, then I did chest and triceps from the CTX series. What's everyone else doing??

One day at a time,

Stacy :)

P.S. I'm too chicken to weigh in this month since my eating has been horrendous.
I'm here, too. Well I weighed in on monday and I am 212.5. I lost 2.5 lbs this month. I am very happy with that, since I haven't worked out in 2 weeks because I was sick and had sore knees.. All I can say is,that it's so hard to get back into a workout routine after being lazy for 2 weeks. Well, I need to get back on the saddle. I haven't worked out yet this week, but I am dedicating the next few days to getting back on track.
My goal for february is to lose 5 to 8lbs.

Great Nikki! The slower you lose it the more likely you are to keep it off, as you probably already know. Good luck on February's goal. I forgot to weigh this morning so I am just going to weigh tomorrow morning. I guess I am apprehensive about it. Silly, huh?

It is very hard to get back into a routine and every little bit helps! Keep up the good work everyone. It will happen for you!

Vol 1 & More CARDIO

I really liked Vol. 1 kick big butt floor work. And it was fun overall but I think I "enjoyed" Vol. 4 much more. Maybe because it's tough, short and to the point.

I often think of switching to strictly cardio for a while until I get some of this weight ofF. I want to look SLIMMER NOW. But how can I give up the fat burning & FUN benefits of weight training? So I personally am shooting for upping the cardio to 5 times per week and total body (endurance type MIS or Firm style) weights 2-3 times. That ought to work. If I can just get a grip on FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, has everyone seen the post for a weight loss rotation on the ask cathe forum?? It looks like a good one, I'm going to start it in July, I have my own rotations planned out til then.

:) Stacy
Good work Nikki!!!

I am joining weight watchers tommorrow. I'm having trouble with the food thing, I'll do great for a week or a few days then blow it. I'm hoping that the weekly meeting will motivate me plus being accountable and weighing in front of someone- the scale does not lie! Besides, as I said earlier I'm a stay at home mom so it will be nice to go out on Saturday a.m. and be around adults without my kids :) Hey any excuse for a little break. Thank goodness for my amazingly wonderful husband, I would not be able to workout without his support. I wake up at 5:30 to workout 5-6 days a week and if the kids get up before I'm done and showered he takes care of them and makes sure they don't get in my way. This way I get my "fix" done first thing.

I have not decided what to do about the weights. I only did weight work one day this week. I'll probably do two to three FIRM tapes plus do cathe step/treadmill/bike for my cardio.
Good idea to join Weight Watchers!

Support groups can be a great thing, and Weight Watchers is one of the best. You can't beat their new eating plan with the points. I'm sure you'll come away with a lot of good ideas along with the morale boosters. You can continue with their plan after you've lost weight, too. Maintenance is very hard, especially if your eating plan doesn't educate you on long-term LIVEABLE eating habits.

Please share with us your progress at Weight Watchers!
RE: I Second the Idea to join Weight Watchers!

Just thought I would share that I joined Weight Watchers back in February 1998 and lost 84 pounds on the point system. But, more importantly, I have maintained 80 pounds lost and just celebrated my 2 years at lifetime. Honeybunch is right. Maintenance is the hardest part so if you look at the plan as a lifetime change and not a temporary fix you will succeed.

To everyone who is trying to lose weight, good luck and remember take one day at a time and remember You Can Do It.........

Diane Hayes
RE: I Second the Idea to join Weight Watchers!

Thanks for sharing Diane. My mother needs to lose that much and then some. She has lost 5 pounds already. I have about 10 more to go myself and that will put me around 50 pounds total.

Congratulations on losing the weight and more importantly on keeping it off. We all know how hard it is and you should be really proud of yourself.

I love to hear success stories!


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