WW's and Cathe

I know alot of you gals follow WW's, but have any of you slimmed down to a good figure using WW's and Cathe tapes??? I need to lose 10 lbs., and I have been struggling with this diet and with that diet and I have recently started counting my points again. This program is easy, and I like to be able to eat what I want. The only thing I wonder about is if I get enough protein?? I have been drowning myself in protein lately, and I am always tired. I am beginning to think I am one of those people who operate a little better on the more carbs plan. I know Honeybunch always touts WW's and Dr. Sharpiro, did you use this to slim down??? Thanks everyone.
Lori S.
I'll try and make this short. I tried a high protein low carb diet and have always worked out, but couldn't hack the low carbs. I started weight watchers in March of this year and have lost 21 lbs. and now am on maintenance with 3 weeks to go to get my lifetime membership. I love healthy carbs such as wholegrain breads, whole wheat pastas, high fiber cereals, sweet potatoes, baked potatoes. I feel I eat much better with ww because it forces you to make good choices, if you are really sticking with it. You realize what keeps you fuller and satisfies you. I found that I really lacked fresh fruits in my diet and since incorporating more I don't get hungry for sweets as often. ( I still have my days though) I started doing Cathe a year ago this month and was an active Firmie, jogger, weight lifter at the gym. I had great muscle but never saw it until the fat was gone. People always comment on how cut I am now. All I can say is that ww has been really great for me, along with Cathe's videos. I think it has been the magic combination for my body. Good luck in whatever you decide to try!
I lost 80 pounds in 1998 on the WW program and Cathe.....spring forward to 2002 and I am still at goal and still working out with Cathe! The combination is a real winner!

Loved the program so much that I decided to become a leader.....

Join! It will be the best decision yet!

Diane Hayes
Hi Guys,
Hope you don't mind me butting in?

I am currently 6 months pregnant with my first (due 18th Jan 2003) and am seriously considering joining WW after the baby is born to lose the baby-weight (plus the extra weight I was already carrying before falling pregnant, LOL!). I have not done the WW plan before, and was wondering if any of you know if WW is advisable/safe whilst breastfeeding, and if the plan allows "extra" points if you are breastfeeding?

A friend of mine follows WW but when I looked at how much she was eating, it didn't seem very much (although she has much less weight to lose than I will have). I consider my Cathe workouts as intense workouts (although I am modifying at the mo), so do you add on extra points in order to take this into account?

I guesss what I am saying is that I have a healthy appetite - I don't want to feel hungry whilst trying to lose the weight and I don't want to fall into the trap of feeling tired/lethargic from not eating enough to fuel my workouts.

Sorry to ask so many questions (and for butting in on your thread, Lori!).

Thanks for any advice!


Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Yes, ww does have a safe plan for breast-feeding moms. The reason I know is because I did it after my 2nd child was born (and she is now 18). I thought I was really heavy but only had about 12 lbs. to lose and succeeded very quickly. I quit before I finished the maintenance part. I was 20, though, and stayed thin for years. They do allow more food/points for breastfeeding moms and teens. It really works if you follow it. Best of luck on your pregnancy and birth.
Hi Lynn

Do you get extra points if you have a certain amount to lose, like 42# plus ?
Also, do you have to weigh out your food for each meal ?

Thanks anna
Fitnurse, you have talked me into it!!!! I am going to start tomorrow. I was going to start yesterday, but we have my parents 40th wedding anniversary dinner tonight, and I just felt tomorrow would be better. I am also going to start going to the meetings, they are about a 1/4 of a mile from my house. Thanks so much for the input, you made my day!! I always hear, protein, protein, and I get so tired. I am glad someone is cut, not being a protein hound, and using WW's. I feel 100% better now. I am a lifetime member, I am about 15 lbs. over my goal. I did this years ago when I was a firmie, so I did not have near as much muscle. I will let you know how it is going!!!!
I believe you get an add'l 5 points/day if you are breastfeeding. You also get add'l points to eat if you exercise that day.

WW is a great plan. I'm not strick with myself and I lost over 10 pounds on the plan...my goal was only 5. I do the online plan. I need to get back to it, but life has recently gotten in the way.

I like WW because it teaches you to make better food choices, but doesn't restrict you from your favorite treats. It's taught me a lot about portion sizes and what my body needs (smaller portions) versus what I think I need. When I make good food choices, I feel great and never feel tired or lethargic. I typically eat 30-34 points/day (approx 1800-2000cal). I ate 27-31points/day (approx 1500 cal/day)when I was loosing. My appointed WW range was way too low (18-23) for my activity level. You just have to see what works for you.

Beware. WW is a real eye opener to your eating habits. It shows you your weakness...then inspires you to change. It's very empowering and motivating to know that if you make the changes you'll see results.

Good luck.
I love being on WW. A group of us at work have a rep come in on Mondays so we don't have to really GO anywhere. The points system is fun and it DOES teach you to make good choices. I usually rack up at least 5 Bonus points a day for working out, although if the WW people knew about Cathe workouts, they would raise up the workout points!! I only have about 15 pounds to lose, but it really is kinda fun joining with a bunch of other people and talking about food. LOL!!:)
Thanks for the information everyone! As usual, you are all a great source of information!

Lynn - thanks for your information and well-wishes! DH and I are excitedly awaiting the new arrival!

Anna - my understanding from what I've read and from my friend who does the plan is that you are allocated a certain number of points based on your current weight and how much you have to lose. Therefore, the heavier you are and the more to lose, the more points you are allocated for food. Withregard to portion sizes and weighing, I think that the plan gives you indications of what a "typical" portion size should be, ie a jacket spud would be maybe 7oz, etc. The website is www.weightwatchers.com and then click on the country you want. There is general info about the diet, success stories and foods available, etc. I may consider joining online after the baby arrives.

Lori - good luck with the plan - let us know how you get along!

Cindysue - congrats on your weightloss! I think, like you say, I will have to "play around" with my points to see what works for me. It's good to know that you can eat more points than are "officially" allocated and still lose the weight!

Cocomac - I agree with you about the Cathe workouts - I'm sure the "powers that be" at WW have never seen a Cathe workout - if they had, there would be a "special extra points" allocation for her workouts, LOL!

Take care all, and thanks again!

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
I just joined WW yesterday :) I am excited about it. It seems pretty flexible.

By the way Kaz, my first son was born on January 18 (1997)- great day for a birthday!!
Hi amynicole,

Good luck with WW, although I'm sure you wont need it - seems like a good, sensible eating plan! Do you have much to lose?

Yes, Jan 18th is definitely a good day! Although, I think this little one may be too comfortable and end up coming after that date, LOL!

All the best!


Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
I tried joining the points plan last year and I was in my ideal weight range so I couldn't join- and the weight range went up much higher than I would think is healthy for me.

But my mom joined and I think it's a neat plan IF you stick with it. She signed up for this $99 plan and you get more info as you go along. But she never went to the meetings so we only have 1/2 the info! I think they have an at-home plan now if you won't go to meetings.

You'll be surprised to see how many points restaurant meals are-you can spend all your points on one fast food meal! So it does get you thinking about skipping the fries or that extra cookie. In the beginning it can be frustrating thinking how all the yummy stuff takes up so many points and you can't eat like 6 cookies anymore, but after awhile you realize the plan will work if you make better food choices- that's why you're on the plan anyway! But the thing with this and any diet plan is you have to be willing to make an effort.
I wholeheartedly endorse WW. I was an overweight child, an overweight adolescent, an overweight 20-year old, an overweight 30-year old. I yo-yo dieted and lost and gained several thousand pounds since I was 10(!!!), including the Atkins-style Dr. Stillman hi-protein, hi-fat diet.

When I hit the magic 4-0, I decided enough was enough. I could not do it on my own anymore, and anything I was doing was not enough.

In between Christmas and New Year's that year, I binged on all the chocolate bon-bons my siblings had given me (chocolate for breakfast, chocolate for lunch, Merde! chocolate all day -- I felt so sick but kept on eating -- the classic "If I eat it all quickly and NOW, it won't be in the house anymore"). In early, January I finally joined WW. Something inside me told me I needed the structure and the regimen. I needed someone to guide me and I needed discipline. I needed to BELIEVE that I could finally "just do it". Paying $13 a meeting provided me with the financial incentive to stay on the straight and narrow. I discovered that being being a "food addict" was something like being an alcoholic -- you have to take it day by day, moment by moment. I discovered I ate because I was bored, and being bored stressed me out. I wanted excitement and action and I had always taken that action by eating. I was 5-ft zero and weighed 152 lbs.

It took me about 8 mths of eating right (in those days it was the WW low-fat, hi-fibre plan) and incorporating walking to slowly take off the weight.

That was 8 years ago as of this November 12, and I've kept the weight off thanks to basically sticking to the lo-fat, hi-fibre regimen (which is just another name for "clean eating"), working out at home with Cathe's tapes, and taking afternoon gym classes.

So, to anyone hesitating about joining WW, don't! It's an excellent program. All you gotta do is BELIEVE!

I just ordered the At Home plan on weightwatchers.com. It's $99 and comes with a lot of things. I think I'll like this plan better than the original plan, because I wouldn't go to meetings. Plus, you get all of the things at once. If you sign up through meetings, you go step-by-step and learn about it as you go. A recent mag article rated WW and the downside was the meetings. I think it was in M&FHers or Oxygen.

You can also check ebay.com- I saw the kit was sold cheaper, but the official site has a 30-day guarantee. I only buy diet or fitness oriented things (unless it's a regular video) if they have a guarantee just in case.
Everyone gets a points range to stay within. The range depends on your current weight. If you are heavier , you will need more energy to keep your metabolism up. As you lose weight, your points range may change. It works!

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
I weighed myself this morning, and tonight I go to my first meeting. I like the meetings, they are helpful to me. I will let everyone know how it goes. I hate getting on their scale with your shoes, and all your clothes on, it always makes you 5-7 lbs. heavier than you are.
Kaz--I hope you're still reading this thread.

I am due to deliver my second child in December and I did WW while breastfeeding my first. They allow you 10 extra points per day while you are breastfeeding exclusively--then you kind of have to adjust the points once you start introducing solids. I actually lost weight better while breastfeeding than when I was done. (I had lost 20pounds on the plan before I got pg with #2)

Also, you receive "activity points" for your workouts and those points are alloted by time and intensity, so your Cathe workouts will really give you a little extra breathing room points wise. I didn't find out about Cathe until I had finished breastfeeding my daughter but I'm willing to bet that combining both would really help you get in shape fast (safely of course) I plan on going back to my Cathe workouts (especially some of the soon to be released ones) and WW in January--I can't work out now because my pg is high risk. :(

And I wish you and DH the best with the arrival of your first--I'll see you around the boards!!
Kim :)

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