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  1. M

    OT: Anyone giving up anything for Lent?

    Good descriptions of Lent. It is actually even worse here in New Orleans where we celebrate Mardi Gras. Lent is just an excuse to eat as much seafood as possible in 40 days. Between now and Easter, I will attend about 15 crawfish boil parties. So, we roll straight from Christmas into...
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    Anybody else tired of chicken?

    I have just recently (past 2 weeks) developed a strong aversion to chicken, can't event stand the smell of it. No, I am not pregnant. For some reason, something has clicked in me and I can't stand the thought of eating chicken. I have quit cooking meat at home so I rarely have chicken, I...
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    Love Cathe but hate the knee pain

    Also, evaluate your shoes. The wrong shoes send my knees into aching. I just decided that the shoes I was using for indoor aerobics did not stabilize enough so I moved them to my running rotation and bought a new pair of shoes for indoor aerobics. It took about 5 days but my knees are...
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    Its not PC but I HATE Xmas Cake

    I love fruit cakes too -- but only the ones from We get one from there every year and an apricot-pecan cake. Yummy when made with good ingredients. Don't buy store junk and judge fruit cakes - poor things are so maligned.
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    Ohhh, the step hurts my knees. . .

    I do step regularly and only time I have had problems with my knees is when I added risers. After 3 weeks with risers, I dropped back to stepping on just the step and my knee problems resolved. Just a thought.
  6. M

    Xmas presents for 3 growen children-what to give?

    I had this problem with my parents and I did what Winter described. Every year for Christmas, we make a special night out and go to dinner or to a play. This is the one night where my Dad does not try to pick up the tab. My parents both love this and my mom starts thinking about where...
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    OT/ Just got back from 9 days Grand Teton/Yellowstone/Glacier

    I went in early August, weather is nice and mosquitos weren't bad at all. We went with a tour group called "Camp Alaska" that does car-camping trips with a van. We had about 9 other people in the van and it was a 10-day trip from Anchorage to Prudhoe Bay. We hiked in Denali, the Brooks Range...
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    OT/ Just got back from 9 days Grand Teton/Yellowstone/Glacier

    Clare - If you love Glacier National Park - get thee to Alaska. I went to Alaska in 1998, drove from Anchorage to Prudhoe Bay (on the Arctic Ocean). We camped and hiked everywhere we stopped. Denali is fabulous, so is the Brooks Range further north. That Alaska trip has "ruined" some of...
  9. M

    Cholesterol Experts?

    Just had bloodowrk done, terrible family history of heart disease and waiting on the results. Doctor wants me to get another cholesterol test that is more advanced. My insurance won't cover it but it is only $95 here in New Orleans. This test breaks down the HDL/LDLs etc down further so the...
  10. M

    OT - Angry 2nd wife wants thoughts

    Heard/Seen it from both sides -- LONG Just to throw in a few words from the sister-in-laws viewpoint... I have 2 brothers (B#1 & B#2) who were married then divorced. Because children were involved in both instances, my whole family took the "high road" meaning we made the former in-laws feel...
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    Healthy Eating Motivation

    Well, I kept losing my focus so I typed up a reminder and taped it to my computer monitor. Why I eat well? 1. To avoid insulin resistance - Type 2 Diabetes 2. Keep my blood pressure down 3. Avoid CVD (cardiovascular disease) Why I Exercise? 1. Avoid lower back pain 2. Keep my blood...
  12. M

    Question for vegans..

    Some good websites to help: Michelle
  13. M

    Where can I buy the Cathe High Step?

    Someone just asked this question, some of the answers were: I got mine from Fitness Wholesale when they had a sale a while back.
  14. M

    Where can I buy the Cathe High Step?

    If you want to order online, you can buy here at or at Fitness Wholesale
  15. M

    Side effects of going off the bc pill?

    I didn't go off the pill but discussed it with my OB/Gyn in December. I have been taking the pill for 19 years and was fearful of long-term results of taking hormones. My doctor urged me to stay on the pill as opposed to another form of birth control. I asked about having my tubes tied and...
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    OT: Portabella Mushrooms

    Favorite way to eat them right now.... I leave them whole and sprinkle salt, pepper and a dash of olive oil over them. I do the same with some asparagus spears. Then I throw the mushrooms and the asparagus on the grill for about 10 minutes. Slice up the mushrooms and put them and...
  17. M

    Powerstrike Millenium 3

    VF is down but the reviews are still available. Go to and select reviews. Your bookmark probably takes you directly to the Forums which are down. BTW - PowerStrike Mill 3 is the one I reach for most often.
  18. M

    Insulin Pump Info?

    I am not diabetic but I am married to a Type 1 diabetic. Everything I have read (and that's a lot) has been extremely positive and I am trying to convince my husband to give it a try. They truly improve your blood sugar readings because of the programmability. My friend (also Type 1) got on...
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    Mindy Mylrea's Strength Express

    >Hi Michelle, > >Are the TLP workouts tough ? Karina - I have only done Core Foundations and other than balancing on that damn ball, I have not found them as tough as some other posters and I will give Mindy credit for that. I think doing Strength Express regularly gave me excellent core...
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    ?Waxing the upper lip

    I got mine removed through electrolysis. It costs a bit to get done but no more than getting professionally waxed every 6 weeks for the rest of your life. I would say mine took about 30 30-minute sessions over the course of a year. At $20 - $25 per session, I spent $600 but I never have to...