Ohhh, the step hurts my knees. . .


New Member
Cathe, love, love, all your stuff. Been doing all your FitTv shows. Making my schedule for the week on Sunday, and that seems to really motivate me each morning, being that I don't have to plan, just get right to it. Problem, though, I really can't and don't enjoy your step routines because of my knees, several surgeries. Anyway, suggestions for a replacement cardio, or just do your routine, without the step? Also, confession, I do not own one of your DVD's, am ready to do some buying, suggestions . . . thanks for your help!

Obviously I am not cathe.She must be very busy making the new hardcore series. There are here persons with problems in the knees and they use kickboxing workouts.Cathe has KPC, cardio Kicks and kickbox of ctx series.cathe is making kickmax in the new hardcore series too.In these workouts cathe dosen't use step.¿Why don't you try these? Hope this help.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)
I have to agree with stayfit try kickboxing and cathe has some of the best.I have noticed too that when I do to much step my knee bothers me a little so I layed of the step and now I am fine. I also love love kickboxing what a great workout:) :D . I can't wait for cathes hardcore kickmax to come out.I use other instructors just to mix it up
for fun. You could lower your step to see if that helps.

Maybe someone has some other suggesstions.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

I noticed that I have to vary my workouts or I have knee problems. I can't do step more than 2 days in a row. I do kickboxing, hi/low, run/walk on my treadmill, swim laps etc. As long as I change it up, I don't have knee issues. HTH /karen
Hi Karen

That is just what I did when I was doing step everyday my knee started hurting but 1 or 2x a week would probally be good I am a kickboxing nut along with cathe's weight workouts anyway.

I plan on step tomorrow either step blast,rythmic step or imax2 not sure yet but I am doing one of them.:) or step pump and jump I forget which one is more intense}( :p :7 :+ :) so many tapes to do not enough time

Is a gym convenient for you? If so, I'd recommend eliminating all floor/step aerobics & hitting the stairmaster, elliptical, arc trainer or bike rather than doing any kind of high impact exercise.
I have a knee issue and so, I have a few recommendations for you:

1. Hi/Lo: stay away from the hi/lo UNLESS you are comfortable modifying to something less "jumpy." I usually do the hi/lo but I take the jumpiness out of it and stay more grounded.

2. Step: begin by learning the routine on the floor. When you are comfortable, try using the step with no risers. Then add risers at your level. I think this works your knee up to the step and you might be able to better perform step aerobics.

3. Kickbox: definitely the least amount of knee trouble here. Just watch how far you extend on your kicks.

4: stretch: I stop halfway through almost EVERY routine and stretch the legs out. It really helps the knee pain. I also stop twice or three times on days that I have particular issues (rainy days, etc.) and find that it really helps me to stretch and then move on.

Hopefully this helps!
I do step regularly and only time I have had problems with my knees is when I added risers. After 3 weeks with risers, I dropped back to stepping on just the step and my knee problems resolved.

Just a thought.
I learn all Cathe's step routines on a 4 inch step. I find the I'm most susceptible to knee problems when I try new moves on a 6 inch step. Those turning moves, if unfamiliar to me, can be very dangerous! After I know the routine well I graduate to a 6 inch step, usually without a problem. But, like others have mentioned, variety is key and if my knees become sore for any reason, I lay off the step for a week until I feel better.

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