Mindy Mylrea's Strength Express


Hi !

Has anyone tried Strength Express ? I've done it for the first time last sunday, and I can't believe how much sore my abs, inner and outer thighs were... This was tough, but I didn't think I would feel it so much the day after.;-)
I love this work-out. Mindy always hits me in ways I don't expect and I feel it the next day. If I do Cathe only for a while then pull this out, I am always surprised at how tough it is and how difficult it is to get through.

I just started the TLP work-outs and find myself thinking that such-and-such a move is Mindy-like.

Hi Karina! I LOVE this one! I've had it for quite a while don't do it that often but when I do I'm sore too all over. How do you like her take on pushups? YOWZA! Kathy:D
Hi Michelle,

Are the TLP workouts tough ?
I was indeed surprised by how tough Strength Express was, and I think I will do it regularly : I was sore the three next days, but it was a good pain. I haven't been sore like that in my abs and core for months I think. And my bad pains (right knee and right shoulder) almost disappeared. Maybe something has been fixed ;-)
Hi Kathy !
The pushups really push you up to another level ;) ! I think Cathe's workouts and the Mindy one compliment very well to each other : without Cathe, I would have never been able to do a correct pushup, and she helped me getting good abs and core strength. I am wondering how I would have reacted to Mindy's workout before my life with Cathe :7
>Hi Michelle,
>Are the TLP workouts tough ?

Karina - I have only done Core Foundations and other than balancing on that damn ball, I have not found them as tough as some other posters and I will give Mindy credit for that. I think doing Strength Express regularly gave me excellent core strength, as well as being prepared for other movements.

The paper plate leg moves from Strength Express are in TLP but less reps in CF. And CF does not have the crazy push-up segment that minday created using the paper plate so overall I would say Strength Express is definitely tougher. But I think CF will help my core strength along.


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