Insulin Pump Info?


Does anyone have any experience with insulin pump therapy? I have my quarterly visit with the endocrinologist next week and I have a feeling he and I are going to butt heads on this issue : ) Any info anyone has (positive or negative) would be super! Thanks!
I am not diabetic but I am married to a Type 1 diabetic. Everything I have read (and that's a lot) has been extremely positive and I am trying to convince my husband to give it a try.

They truly improve your blood sugar readings because of the programmability. My friend (also Type 1) got on one a year before she wanted to get pregnant because her doctor wanted to smooth out her blood sugars, she loved it, the flexibility to skip meals or change eating times was everything she wanted in life.

The only hassle is wearing it all the time. Although women have figured out ways to wear in bikinis so it is flexible on position.

My thoughts, maybe someone who has one will chime in.
>Does anyone have any experience with insulin pump therapy? I
>have my quarterly visit with the endocrinologist next week and
>I have a feeling he and I are going to butt heads on this
>issue : ) Any info anyone has (positive or negative) would be
>super! Thanks!

My sister has had a insulin pump for 5 or 6 years. She loves it! She had to have 4 shots a day, and her meals had to be very planned (same time). Which is very hard to do at family get togethers ect.

The only negative I can think of is---you must be very careful when changing the insulin to attach a new line also. She was in a hurry one day when changing her insulin didn't realize there was still insulin in the line. She ended up passing out at work and hitting her head very hard because she got her basal dose, plus what was in the old line. Ohhh--- another negative- She cheats alot more now----I still cringe if I see her eating candy. It is just very easy to push that button!

I think it is a wonderful thing. Her blood work always comes out great---

Good Luck with your Doctor!
Thanks both for your input! I have only read positive things, but since most of the information is on pro-pumping web sites, I am suspicious of how objective the feedback is. It is very reassuring to hear from neutral parties as well! My doctor has been wanting me to get on the pump for a while, he told me eventually there would come a point where he would insist on it, and I feel like we have reached that point so I want to get myself prepared beforehand. I will keep y'all posted on whether I become the "bionic woman"!

Thanks again!

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