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    Hi Cathe, Everythings sounds great!! I especially like the idea of the TRAVELERS workout since I do a good deal of business travel. Looking forward to your new workouts. Cheryl:)
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    Building the Calve Muscle

    Hi Cathe, I've seen many posts regarding slimming the calve muscle. However,I have the opposite problem...I have very small calve muscles (chicken legs, actually :(). I know that genetics play into this, however can you offer some calve-building suggestions to help me make the best with...
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    Building the Calve Muscle

    Hi Cathe, I've seen many posts regarding slimming the calve muscle. However,I have the opposite problem...I have very small calve muscles (chicken legs, actually :(). I know that genetics play into this, however can you offer some calve-building suggestions to help me make the best with...
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    August Rotation Posted...Look Out....

    WOWZA!!! What a challenge, to say the least :D! Cheryl P.
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    Roadtripper Hotel Urgency!!!

    Hi DebbieH! I have reservations at the Raddisson. I just called them and reconfirmed my reservations, so I'm good to go! Thank you for the heads up! Looking forward to seeing and meeting everyone!!! Cheryl Price
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    Roadtripper Hotel Urgency!!!

    Hi DebbieH! I have reservations at the Raddisson. I just called them and reconfirmed my reservations, so I'm good to go! Thank you for the heads up! Looking forward to seeing and meeting everyone!!! Cheryl Price
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    List of Road Trip Attendees

    Hello! I'm Cheryl and I'm right in central New Jersey, about 1 hour or so from Cathe. I'm really looking forward to this Road Trip :)
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    Legs In 30 Minutes

    Another good lower body workout is the Lower Body Premix from Muscle Endurance. It has legs as well as ab work. I hope this helps! Cheryl
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    What Do You Do For A Living?

    Hi there! I am a wedding planner. I have my own company which I started last year. Since I am my own boss, I have no problem at all scheduling my workouts. :) And believe me, being in good shape comes in handy when I'm working a's a lot of work! When I still had my...
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    Is it OK to do KPC two days in a row?

    Thank you Angela! I decided that I'm going to play it safe and not do KPC today. But it will definitely be a mainstay in my weekly routines. Cheryl :)
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    Is it OK to do KPC two days in a row?

    Hi everybody! I did KPC yesterday and had a ball! I'm really "jonesing" to do it again today. I just want to make sure whether or not this is OK. I'm not feeling too sore. I work out 6 time per work on a regular basis, and do mostly Cathe. I'm at intermediate/advance as far as my workout...
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    Has anyone had or considered a tummy tuck?

    I'm actually getting a tummy tuck in about two weeks. I've been looking into doing it for years and after quite a bit of research and a few recommendations, I've finally found a surgeon I'm confident and comfortable with. I wear a size 6, but I carry most of my extra fat in my midsection...
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    Who's tried Boot Camp

    I tried Boot Camp for the first time yesterday! It was tough but I really enjoyed the workout. Today I'm pretty sore too (especially in my upper body) and I haven't been sore in awhile! I plan on doing it again next week. Cheryl
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    Attn: mrsprice

    Hi Clare, I had to REALLY focus in order to do those one-legged squats. I think that the next time I do LL, I'm going to try doing them with a stability ball. After I complete my CTX rotation, I'm going to move on to the Total Body Blast rotation that Cathe created. :) Cheryl
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    WOW ! THIS CTX LARK.......

    Hi Anna, Isn't it amazing? I'm starting my third week of CTX tomorrow and my body just keeps looking better and better. I did LL for the very first time yesterday and loved it! You brought up a very good point about combining CTX with clean eating. I forgot to mention that I did an...
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    Attn: mrsprice

    >Cheryl: > >have you tried and conquered the Leaner Legs yet? > >Let me know how it went/goes. I'm rooting for ya! > >Also, both you and I are rated "male " for gender on the >forums here. Did you notice? Odd. > >Clare Hi Clare, I did it, I did it, I did it!! How did it go...
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    Robin, I'm going to do LL today. :) I'll let you know how it went for me. I want to do the Intensity Series sooo badly, but I'm sticking with CTX for now! Cheryl
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    CTX Series replacing Power Hour???........

    >How does everyone do the CTX series, do you do 1 tape each >day for six days, then stop for 1 day and start over again? That's what I'm doing....I work out six days then take a day off then start the rotation again. Cheryl :)
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    CTX Series replacing Power Hour???........

    Clare, you read my mind...I took another look at LL and I am going to try it and will CONQUER it....gulp!!! Thanks! Cheryl :)
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    CTX Series replacing Power Hour???........

    Francine!!!! I saw the pictures you took with Cathe at her gym! You look great!! I never thought that I would find any other workout that I would love as much as Power Hour (and I L-O-V-E PH) until I started doing CTX. The aerobic choreography is so much fun and everyday I look forward to...