CTX Series replacing Power Hour???........


Active Member
as my new favorite workout!!!! I've had CTX Xpress for a long time, but never got around to doing the whole series together.

I'm on my second week of a CTX rotation. I'm doing all the workouts except for Leaner Legs (I'm doing Strong Legs and Abs because I'm scared of LL right now :D). I can't believe the definition that showing in my arms already! This had always been a problem area for me.

I plan on doing this rotation for a total of 6 weeks. If I'm seeing such amazing results already, I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing what I'll look like at the end of the rotation!!!!

Cheryl :)
Hi Cheryl! I was really excited to read your posting because I have been debating getting the CTX series as my next Cathe challenge (of course it'll be a while because I'm still doing the intensity series). You have convinced me that CTX is what I will be doing next! Good luck with the rest of the six weeks and let us know how it turns out in the end! Have fun!

Cheryl, isn't it great ? I have only been doing CTX series for a week, and my tummy is going down. I know because I lie in bed at night and pinch it in various spots, and my pinching is telling me it is going flab he!! :7

Cheryl and Anna -
Since you both had such great results with the CTX series, I was wondering if you do the workouts as is or do you add anything else?? I just got the CTX series a few weeks ago and I love it.
Go Cheryl! CTX was my first Cathe purchase ever! I know that lots of you know this already so sorry for repeating, but I went from a 14 to a 10 dress size in about 2 months with this series. I just love it. And I use a piece of it in EVERY rotation I do. With that said however, I thinkt that the Intensity Series might have a slight edge now. I just love it so much. Keep going girl!
jane, the only extra thing(s) I do on top of the CTX series is that I am taking each bodypart out of the MIS video, and adding it on. So, if I do Kickbox, and Biceps, I add on the biceps section from MIS, and so on. It seems to be working well :)
The only other thing I do is walking, I am constantly in and out during the weekdays, taking my eldest daughter to school, and picking her up, etc.

Hi ladies!

I don't know what took me so long to do CTX. I've always heard good things about it, but I never expected to see results so quickly. Before I wasn't too big on cardio, but now I love it and my cardio endurance has improved alot. I can even do the plyo scissors which used to kill me!

Last week I did just the CTX series alone. This week I decided to add additional work using the PS series. So if I'm doing the CTX Kickbox w/Biceps, I'll do additional bicep work from PS, and so on. The reason I decided to try it is because Cathe mentioned one time that she devotes about 30 minutes to each body part.

Jillybean, WOW....your results sound outstanding. I can surely understand why with CTX! I'm sure that I'll be coming back to this rotation quite a bit.

I just wanted to add that the CTX is my favorite series! It's a Well rounded program that packs a punch under an hour! It don't take a lot out of you , everything has already been planned out , all you do is pop in the tape keep it "intense" and you'll be turning your body into a fatburning lean machine !:p can't go wrong with this(IMHO) Fabulous to do around the holidays(Nov to Jan):7
Francine!!!! I saw the pictures you took with Cathe at her gym! You look great!!

I never thought that I would find any other workout that I would love as much as Power Hour (and I L-O-V-E PH) until I started doing CTX. The aerobic choreography is so much fun and everyday I look forward to working out.


I think I just left you a post under another post title on just this topic.

Don't be afraid of LL, it really is no more difficult than PS legs. I am a big PS legs fan and put off doing LL since last September when i bought the CTX series. I did CTX All Step and then LL right after last night. No trouble. It is just as do-able, and just as much a challenge, I think.

Get it out, dust it off and get to it girl!!!

CTX series is awesome, I do bits of it each week, and cannot get enough. I love the variety, the music, the no nonsense approach and the cardio portions are just the right length to give time to do another strength tape after them. They are doing wonders for my cardiovascular conditioning.


Clare, you read my mind...I took another look at LL and I am going to try it and will CONQUER it....gulp!!!


Cheryl :)
How does everyone do the CTX series, do you do 1 tape each day for six days, then stop for 1 day and start over again?
>How does everyone do the CTX series, do you do 1 tape each
>day for six days, then stop for 1 day and start over again?

That's what I'm doing....I work out six days then take a day off then start the rotation again.

Cheryl :)

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