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  1. N

    Cathe HELP I think iam over doing it!!! don't know what to do!!

    Ok I feel compelled to reply... to the original poster, please please be careful!! I am a simalar size, I am 5'2 and used to be around 90lbs, sometimes 85 and probably sometimes a little over 90. I used to not think about eating etc. I over restricted my eating unintentionally and developed...
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    Weightloss Challenge Through Dec 2012 - Jun 22

    Happy Sunday Good morning, everyone! How was your Saturday's? I enjoyed my workout and did relatively well with my eating until the end of the day... Story of my life. I also have a bad problem with mindless eating on the couch at night which is definatley the worst time, why I stuff myself...
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    Weightloss Challenge Through Dec 2012 - Jun 22

    Good morning everyone! I'm happy to have this check in, Thanks again Shereta for creating it. I think with the encouragement and accountability we can all reach our goals and create healthy habits and make some real progress! My eating wasn't great yesterday but it wasn't horrible either...
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    Weightloss Challenge Through Dec 2012 - Jun 22

    You've inspired me to join and check in also! I've never been part of a check-in or group before just a daily lurker.. I've had some unhealthy disordered eating lately and I'm trying to break the habits and get healthly and happy with my appearance again. I've put on some weight and it's very...
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    Favorite protein bars?

    Vitaminne Shoppe carries them but that's the only place I know of. On-line is easiest but annoying also. I just recently tried them and ordered some.
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    Another vote for Cathe and rebounding!!! I've had my rebounder and sad to say I never really use it.
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    No Rotation? No problem.

    I think that sounds like a great idea! I need to loose a few lbs. my eating has been awful lately and it only seems to get worse. I was looking at 2 older rotatoins a fat loss one and butts and gutts since my abs are where I gain ALL my weight. I'd love other suggestions! This morning I did...
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    No Cathe 2012 May Rotation :(

    Thanks for letting us know Cathe. I love your rotations but there are plenty of old ones to choose from. I'm very excited for the new workouts!! Thanks again!
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    Cathe's May Rotation

    I've been wondering this too. I definately need a good rotation to take a couple extra pounds off!
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    Amy Dixon Breathless Body

    You guys intrigued me... I bought it.. it should be here in a couple days. Looks good, hard but I could see how it could be repetative.
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    Thanks for the feedback.. I'm excited to go home and try it out.. It looks like it will definately help with high impact moves and be fun to incorporate!
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    So total impulse buy this morning... I bought a rebounder, I've never tried it and really have never been interested, it just looked fun, I know my kids will love it but I'm hoping it will be a good workout... anybody have any workout recomendations or info... pros/cons? Thanks, Nicole
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    inflammatory effect in peanut butter

    To follow up... I had some Artisana almond butter, an individual packet over the weekend and I was pleasantly surprised, I liked it better then the ones I have tried in the past. Also, I broke down and bought MaraNatha Sunflower seed butter and liked that, a little to much it's been 2 days and...
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    inflammatory effect in peanut butter

    This is very interesting... I just bought some Almond butter.. but I really really don't like it the same.. Good to know about Whole Foods though.
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    Happy St. Patrick's Day Today!

    I did 4DS upper body premix and lots of walking outside today. I made my kids some green waffles for breakfast.. I snuck some spinach in the batter and they didn't even know.. Happy St. Patricks Day!
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    inflammatory effect in peanut butter

    I'd love more information on this... (as I sit with my pb in lap with a spoon ...:( ) I love love pb and eat far far to much of it. I get an upset stomach after and haven't been able to figure out why... well of course becuase I eat to big of a quantity but I don't have a peanut allergy so I...
  17. N

    More Circuit Max type workouts?

    I agree, I love this workout! I've been wishing for more Hi/Low lately.. I know it's an older style of workout and I was thinking I guess CCC is the newer version of Hi/Low but lately I've been really loving the old fashioned Hi/Low, it's the only thing that gets my calorie burn up there like...
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    I'M IN LOVE!!

    You inspired me!! I bought circuit max download a few weeks ago and have done it a couple times, I pulled it out this morning after reading your post.. Loved it! Great start to the week.
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    Gym Style Upper Body Question

    You mean GS C&T & GS B,S,B in the same day back to back? I think that's great.. I was thinking of upper body work for this afternoon and I think you've convinced me to do this. Course it would be a very long workout but if you're up for it, go for it! Thanks for the idea.
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    Meal Planning

    I do a relaxed version of this. I used to be more anal about it but now I just plan out 2-3 days in a row. I buy chicken breast is bulk and use the sell by date as a set point basically what needs to be eaten by when and then go from there. I take requests from the family and try to...