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  1. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 4/30-5/6

    Kimberly, I love to dance and I am thinking of trying Belly Dancing..NOT in public though! lol Did Cardio and Weights today..that workout is still REALLY challenging me. I know all the step routines, and work it hard.I feel more fatigued after that workout than any other. I love it. I...
  2. J

    What Do you Put in your Cottage Cheese?

    Someone mentioned loving it with noodles... I put CC in noodles too! Hot noodles, with CC on top.. Awesome side dish! I use wheat noodles and while they are still hot, I add CC on top and let it melt..stir and add a dash of onion powder and a little salt..Love it! I also make a really yummy...
  3. J

    Anyone have a good sugar free/fat free cheesecake recipe

    This is a great recipe for fat free cheesecake. I make these all the time. You can have one of these for breakfast, or as a snack..they are high in protein, low in calories and fat free! I bake these in Muffin tins so I always have a single portion when I want one. You can freeze a tin and...
  4. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 4/23-4/29

    I'm the same way Kimberly. Sometimes I just get emotionally tired of it, but I am working through that. Did Cardio and Weights again yesterday. I swear that workout just kills me! lol It's not hard, but that super fast pace keeps my heart rate up the entire workout, which is great. I sweat...
  5. J

    The Comeback Kid Update 4/21/06

    Cathe!!!! This is the absolute best news!!! I am so happy that you are recovering so quickly! I can only imagine what a struggle this has been for you. Take care, and take it slow! Hugs Janet
  6. J

    Beg/Intermediate check-in 4/16-4/22

    Been having a tough time. Did Cardio and Weights the other day..and it was really hard!! Harder than I was expecting. lol. The super fast pace going from the cardio to the weights is difficult for me.I dont feel that my form is as it should be when doing the weights during this workout.I feel...
  7. J

    BFL Check In - 4/16/06

    I was bad all weekend and am going to work really hard at getting back on track. B...2 HB egg whites. (one pink and one purple with bunny stickers! lol) 2 slices Lite whole wheat. S... cottage cheese. Sm. Banana L... Tuna over salad greens. S...Yogurt, handful of almonds D...turkey w/...
  8. J

    Beg/Intermediate check-in 4/16-4/22

    lol Beth...I still can't do the one legged thingies on the stability ball without falling over at least twice! I have been really bad!!! Having too much chocolate in the house during PMS time is NOT NOT NOT good for me!!! Stupid Easter bunny! Anyway, that was yesterday, today is today and...
  9. J

    Scale that Checks Body Fat

    I dont think my bf scale is accurate at all! I have lost 15 pounds, and I am visably much more toned since dieting and working out, but that body fat number on my scale hasn't budged at all! Janet
  10. J

    for those of you working out in the living room

    Thats a great idea, using remnants! My carpet is going to be replaced soon,so I dont care too much about how worn it is getting since I have been working out in my living room. I am definately going to remember that remnants tip for when I get my new flooring! Janet
  11. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 4/9-4/15

    I would love to hear about how the belly dancing went too! My knees feel better today, so I am going to be doing Cardio and Weights today. I think I do better with circuit training. I am still not losing any more weight or inches..feel like I hit a major snag or I am going to...
  12. J

    Barbell question

    I recently purchased a Danskin barbell. The bar itself is all padded, and it comes with purple and orange weight plates, and what I love about it is that the bar unscrews in the center, so it is easy to store. It was pretty inexpensive too, which works for me. Since I don't do ALOT of barbell...
  13. J

    NYC Get-together

    I'm all for it! I live on Long Island. Janet
  14. J

    Update - 4-13-06

    Hi Cathe... I am so relieved to hear that the doctors found the problem and that they are optimistic that the surgery was a success! I feel terrible that you are going through this. Wishing you a very speedy recovery. Take care Hugs Janet
  15. J

    How to take proper measurements

    I dont like my measurements at all either! Weird, I have been following BFL eating, and working out really hard, and I lost 14 pounds..and my upper body looks like it is getting pretty toned..but no inches off my waist or hips yet! I hate the tape measure!!! And I truly detest the scale...
  16. J

    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 4/9-4/15

    I wound up doing Low Max Tuesday,because I couldn't find my Body Fusion DVD.. and yesterday I did PushPull. My knees are really sore from Low Max. That never happened before!Need to take it easy today on the knees. I am going to do simple cardio...maybe Basic step which I have never actually...
  17. J

    American Idol for tonight I bet if Chris had done "The show must go on" he would have REALLY been amazing! I was a little surprised at his song choice. Janet
  18. J

    American Idol for tonight

    Chris has been my choice from the beginning, being a "rocker" myself. lol I was in Hawaii last week and missed Idol..I was shocked to learn when I came back that Mandisa was voted off last week! She was amazing..a true talent! I don't understand that one! Janet
  19. J

    BFL or Eating for Life Check-in 4/9/06 gets really expensive! B.. Myoplex Lite S... Cottage cheese w/canteloupe and 1 slice Whole wheat bread L...Chef salad..Turkey breast and chicken over green salad S...Yogurt, with sliced almonds on top D... grilled chicken with grilled peppers, sm.baked potato S... Myoplex Lite...
  20. J


    I have been following Body For Life for weeks now, I love the program and love the Myoplex Lite shakes.I always had a problem eating breakfast in the morning, and the shakes are a great way for me to get that important meal in. Sometimes I drink them as a snack, and add a banana or some yogurt...