Beg/Intermediate check-in 4/16-4/22


I hope you had a happy Easter!
I have started my new rotation with a bang. Yesterday I went for a walk and 30 min bike ride. I did GS floor legs and stability ball abs. Today I did GS BSB and a walk. Tomorrow will be Kickmax leg conditioning, PLB floor work, and swimming. I'm alternating upper body with lower body. I already felt stronger today with BSB and I think I can up my weights next time. I'm also doing better with those one legged things on the stability ball!
lol Beth...I still can't do the one legged thingies on the stability ball without falling over at least twice!
I have been really bad!!! Having too much chocolate in the house during PMS time is NOT NOT NOT good for me!!! Stupid Easter bunny!
Anyway, that was yesterday, today is today and I am back on track.
Going to do Cardio and Weights today, and adding the ab workout.
Nice day outside, and will be taking the kids to the park after school.I always do a few chin-ups on the monkey bars when we go. I can actually do 5 now! lol
Have a great week!!
Hi everyone,

I am sorry to say that I haven't done anything since last week. I was so busy Friday, Saturday and Sunday I was pooped. By the time Monday came all I wanted to do is rest. I didn't even go to my belly dancing class so you know I must have been tired. I worked at my part-time job Saturday and Sunday. Then after I got off work Sunday I went to see my grandmother at the Nursing Home so I didn't get home until 8:30 after leaving the house at 8:30 that morning. I am going to go to bed now so I can get up and do my Gym Styles in the morning. I will attend my Belly Dancing class tomorrow nite plus walk if it's not raining.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah
Today was legs. I did a 30 min bike ride, then kickmax leg conditioning, then PLB floor work with the ball. I think I am getting a lot stronger taking only 1 rest day between body parts. So I alternate legs one day, UB the next day and so on. I will get in 3 UB and 3LB workouts per week that way since I still can't do much cardio. My body seems to have adapted to that so i actually get less sore then when I rest longer. I think I can keep my legs strong with this regiman without the squats, lunges, or step-ups on the high step. I'm a bit limited in DVD's though. I'm having to get creative.
I think I will switch to Pure strength for a couple of rounds for variety. Tomorrow will be chest-shoulders triceps and Pilates. Doing the Pilates first this time!!!! So I can hold my arms up!!!
I'm really on a roll. Did a walk, then Denise Austin Pilates, then Pure Strength chest-shoulders-triceps. Tomorrow is the Slim Series lower body workout Firm it Up. I really like that one.
I took a rest day-I haven't had one in a while-and I had alot of things to get done today. Tomorrow I am going to check out some health clubs maybe for a summer membership. I need to get some cardio and maybe the elliptical or treadmill will enable me to get my HR up without hurting my knees. Then Saturday I am driving to Tucson to visit a friend, Sunday recover. I may not check in again until next week!
Been having a tough time. Did Cardio and Weights the other day..and it was really hard!! Harder than I was expecting. lol. The super fast pace going from the cardio to the weights is difficult for me.I dont feel that my form is as it should be when doing the weights during this workout.I feel fatigued much too quickly..or is that how it should be? lol.
Today I am doing just cardio.Back muscles are feeling sore today, so I am not doing any weights. I think Rythmic Step today. That one is fun.And I am adding a nice long stretch with Stretch Max. I need it today.
Have a great day!
Hi everyone,

I am still here. I haven't given up. I went ahead and rested the rest of the week. I didn't make any of my belly dancing classes this week but I am going to start off fresh on Monday. I just needed some time to think about what I am doing.

--Kimberly C

"Here's to your health, to every moment, every week and month that you wake up to the privilege of another breath - another chance to get it right!" Oprah

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