Anyone have a good sugar free/fat free cheesecake recipe


I used to buy these at a store .The bakery closed. They were awesome. I can't seem to find a good recipe.They didn't taste fat free or sugar free,and had strawberries . Every recipe i find isn't good.
I need some ocassional desert that i don't have to feel guilty about.
Any one have one ???
This is a great recipe for fat free cheesecake. I make these all the time. You can have one of these for breakfast, or as a snack..they are high in protein, low in calories and fat free!
I bake these in Muffin tins so I always have a single portion when I want one. You can freeze a tin and then let it thaw in the refrigerator when you want it.

3 pkgs. Fat Free cream cheese.... bring to room temperature
1 cup of sugar or equivelent of Splenda.. ( using sugar substitute might make it a little chalky.. better to use the real deal, but if you must use substitute, use Splenda as it bakes better than all others.)
1 tsp vanilla
6 egg whites
16 oz. Fat Free Sour cream
3 Tablespoons sugar or equivalent of Splenda
1 tsp. vanilla
You will need 3 muffin tins that hold 6 muffins each.
Line tins with muffin or large cupcake liners. I use the foil liners by Reynolds

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a large bowl beat until smooth the: cream cheese, egg whites, vanilla, and sugar/ sugar substitute.
Spoon filling into the muffin tins, filling just over 3/4 of the way. ( leave a little room for the topping)
Bake for 45 minutes, or until center puffs up and looks almost set.
( You may see that the cheesecakes are "cracking"..not a big deal as we will be putting topping on them!)
Remove from oven. In a medium bowl, mix the sour cream, sugar and vanilla. Spoon a generous amount over each cheesecake and return to the oven for another 5 or 10 minutes..until the topping sets.
Chill before serving!
You can top with fresh strawberries or any other fruit.
This was big at Weight Watchers a couple years ago:

mix a box of FF/SF vanilla pudding with ff plain yoghurt, let it sit a couple hours

It isn't the real thing but it IS a tasty alternative ...
How much yogurt? 2 cups - same as milk?

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Yes, 2C plain ff yoghurt and you can mix it with the sf/ff white chocolate pudding mix. I think there also might be a cheesecake pudding mix? I haven't made it in a while since I found out I'm allergic to dairy, but I remember it was very good! :9

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