Scale that Checks Body Fat


Okay....I bought one of these scales and it says that I have 28% body fat. I put it in athlete mode and it said I was 25%.

The chart says that this is WAY TOO much - which I believe. I just can't believe my percentage is so high. I guess I am more overweight than I thought.

5"1' and 125 pounds at 35 years old. I know the charts all say I should be about 107 - 115. I haven't been there since 6th grade.(chunky child!!!) At my THINNEST I weighed 118.

I always allowed myself to be over the chart because I thought I just had more muscle. Well I guess that is NOT so.

What has been your experience with these contraptions????

AND how can I lower my body fat persentage???

HELP!!!x( :( x( ;(
Just to let you know I have one of those scales to and I don't listen to anything only the number I weigh.I have a BF ormon that says I am anywhere from 13.5 to 14.6 % BF..and I think on my scale it says something ridiculous! LOL I laugh at that number b.c I know I don't have that much fat. I really think its another gimmick.
I dont think my bf scale is accurate at all! I have lost 15 pounds, and I am visably much more toned since dieting and working out, but that body fat number on my scale hasn't budged at all!
Yes, they don't work well and are not accurate. The only thing they MAY be useful for is for comparison purposes, but even then I would NEVER trust them. Some people don't mind reading a number that is probably well above their real BF% but that would drive me crazy. I have a Tanita scale that tells my DH that he's around 25% body fat no matter what he does. When he gets measured by a caliper, he's down to 17% or below. That decrepancy is enough for me to completely disregard what ANY electronic BF measuring device says. They are liars!! For me, it would be like using a HR monitor that is WAY off and not caring. Just doesn't make sense.

yeah, its a handheld one. With mine I have to take my measurement in the tricep area, a little above the hip bone and in the thigh area, in the front of my leg (thank goodness its not inner thigh! or we would all be in trouble! LOL)

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