
Ok does anybody or has anybody drank this? The reason I am asking is because I just purchased this at GNC. 4 Pack ready to drink 15.99 43g Protein 2g sugar 17 oz (500ml) and a bunch of vitamins and minerals. I got an additional 15 or 20% off. I have never tried any of these and I want to make some changes to my body I am at a good weight but I do want to now see some definition I am following the lower body bonanza and it is working good. Is it alright for me to drink this after a weight workout? How about cardio? Do I need to drink the whole thing or could I drink 1/2. I think I read before a workout you should take in some carbs. Is this true? before All workouts what would be something lite and good. I find I do better working out in the evening. Ok so bottom line I am going to try and maintain and define now what adjustments need to be made. I am thinking of following the p90x rotation after lower body I just finished watching all the dvd's.

For breakfast I usually do not eat I never have been big on breakfast some mornings I will force myself to have a banana or kashi bar, or a egg, or some form of fruit, lunch is usually a sandwich on 7 grain bread, with low sodium salami or jennie o turkey or healthy choice ham with lettuce tomato, tuna, lean cuisine, lean pockets, dinner is usually whatever we are having we grill alot. I have been snacking on low sodium nuts after my workouts or a fruit. Thanks for the help any and all.

You MUST eat breakfast. Your body needs that energy as it has been fasting for 8 hours or so. You don't have to eat breakfast things for breakfast, but you need to eat something.
Personally, I just don't think it makes sense to drink something with 43 grams of protein. MAYBE if you were a lumberjack working 16-hr. days or something, but for most normal people, that just doesn't sound like a good idea. My Mom always said "everything in moderation", and she was probably right.
Hi, Beth6395,

I agree, it would be a good idea to get yourself into the habit of eating a breakfast. Have you thought about trying out smoothies using your Myoplex?

I drink Champion Nutrition whey protein and it has more protein than I need, so I just use the amount that will give me the right amount for my meal (for me, about 20 grams). So when drinking your Myoplex, you're right, about half the serving size should probably do you. If you check on the internet for something like "how much protein do I need?" you'll find lots of body calculators to help you figure out how much protein is good for your personal physique.

As for pre and post-workout meals, yes, I've read that it's good to get some slow digesting carbs/protein in pre-workout, and then after your workout to have some fast digesting carbs/protein (somebody correct me if I'm wrong! ;) ). In looking around at meal plans, you'll notice a good example as being oatmeal and egg whites pre-workout, and a protein shake with a banana post.

Enjoy your Myoplex! I hope it tastes delish! :p

I drink Myoplex Lite shakes all the time. But I do Body for Life and so that's just an easy meal for me to do in the mornings. I'm a huge fan of the BFL way of eating. Anyway, if it's not one of the carb sense ones, it should have a pretty even balance of protein and carbs. I'm terrible at remembering how things work, but there is something about needing the combination of carbs and protein in pretty equal amounts b/c the carbs help get the protein to your muscles or something (someone who actually knows this stuff should step in and clarify this). I believe it talks about this in the Body for Life book. If I do a regular Myoplex (not the lite) I only do half - except for some of those ready to drinks. Some of them are only 100 calories and I get hungry way too soon so I drink the whole thing. But mostly I use the powder.

If you want to learn more about Body for Life and Myoplex, go to - they have a place called "Community" and you can ask all kinds of questions and there are some pretty knowledgable people on there. You can also call the 800 number (you'll find that on the site) or get a copy of the book - which you can probably pick up REALLY cheap at or Amazon in the used books area.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Love myoplex and I love Body for Life. Hey, maybe we should start a BFL thread! Just Kidding. Just saw a dietitian last week. I asked the very buff dietitian man how to eat to lean out and gain muscle.
He was familiar with myoplex and said the carb sense ones were good. Also said to eat alot of protien with a simple carb as a protien carrier right after workouts(within 30 min.)Must be whey protien isolate.The carb he recomended was pretzels. He then pulled out a stack of research that said the number one thing you need to gain muscle and lean out is alot of water. If you saw this guy you would listen to anything he told you to do. Seriosly he really knew his stuff. Hope this helps. 5'8" and 130. You go girl!
Nancy: I am going to only drink half of the container thank you for mentioning this as this is all new to me.

August: The sales person did mention the packets for smoothies and I am going to do a search to find out my intake. Thank You!

Susan: I am going to look into this BFL right now is there a store that I could purchase the book so I would not have to wait with the holiday and all? Thank you for your reply

Kathy: Thank you for the compliment, It seems no matter what my body loves the 130 weight I wanted to shoot for 125 but I think it is not in the cards for me. Thank you for your reply

>Personally, I just don't think it makes sense to drink
>something with 43 grams of protein. MAYBE if you were a
>lumberjack working 16-hr. days or something, but for most
>normal people, that just doesn't sound like a good idea. My
>Mom always said "everything in moderation", and she was
>probably right.

I agree. Like everything, your body can only effectively process a certain amount of protein at one time. I don't know what the limit is on assimilation of protein, but 43 grams seems high. 25 gm. seems more reasonable.

It is a good idea to have fuel in you before you workout, to get a head start on repairing those muscles. Some carbs and protein about and hour before working out is good. And immediately after a weight workout, something easily digestible (preferably a liquid) with a 4 to 1 ratio of carbs (simple carbs) to protein is the best for promoting muscle repair and growth.
I have been following Body For Life for weeks now, I love the program and love the Myoplex Lite shakes.I always had a problem eating breakfast in the morning, and the shakes are a great way for me to get that important meal in. Sometimes I drink them as a snack, and add a banana or some yogurt. I love smoothies. Not crazy about the chocolate Myoplex, but love the strawberry and the vanilla. My first 4 weeks on the BFL plan I lost 12 pounds.
You can purchase the BFL book pretty much anywhere. They have a great work out routine in the book, though I need more cardio than is recommended in the book.
Good luck!

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