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  1. kat31


    I love her workouts. What site did you place your pre-order with? I can not locate where to pre-order. Thanks!
  2. kat31

    Help with a dog with Diabetes?

    Thank you for your suggestions and thoughts. My dad called me earlier and told me they are keeping Buddy an extra night at the vet to make sure he is doing ok with the dosage they are giving him. I will be going to the vet tomorrow with my dad and getting the same directions my dad gets so there...
  3. kat31

    Help with a dog with Diabetes?

    I know there are alot of dog people on this thread might I say experts/vets/breeders etc. and I need your advise. I have had dogs( I have a lovely female shepard now) all my life with all different aliments/conditions but today my mom called me to tell me one of my dad's minature schanauzer(sp?)...
  4. kat31

    Need some advice about BIL

    Thank you for the suggestion, in the end I might just do that!
  5. kat31

    Need some advice about BIL

    He is my DH youngest brother. Things also didn't mention that might be in consideration is that at family events my BIL usually comes alone with my niece because it just happens to be that my SIL is always working even on holidays. I will give it to her that she manages an Equestrian barn and...
  6. kat31

    Need some advice about BIL

    I need some advice regarding my brother in law? Two years ago my BIL and SIL built a house about a hour away from the rest of the family mainly because they bought the property cheap. Anyway ever since they moved so far away it seem my BIL( who is a real family oriented person) does not seem to...
  7. kat31

    What stores sell Cathes Fitness Line

    That is exactly the one I am talking about!
  8. kat31

    Any Law and Order SVU fans??

    My DH and I love all the Law and Orders. We actually recorded them all on the DVR and watch them after the kids go to bed as not to be interrupted. Also on a lazy weekend we watch the USA marathons. New season can not wait, DVR set!
  9. kat31

    I just got a preview disc of ChaLEAN Extreme!!!

    I am also so excited about her new program. Add me to your list of people who want to order as soon as it is avaliable!
  10. kat31

    What stores sell Cathes Fitness Line

    Another one who does not like Walmart. The local store is very dumpy and only half stocked and does not carry half the brands I use. The main reason I do not like them is because 2 years ago I purchased a Nintendo DS from their .com divison and when my son opened it up on Christmas the screen...
  11. kat31

    Paying kids for good grades?

    We pay for work done around the house but in our house good grades and a full effort are just expected. luckily I have not had to deal with a money per grade debate because my son and another child in his grade have always had this competition whether it is in school or on the baseball field to...
  12. kat31

    Any good workouts for the heavy bag?

    I have done all of them and I think even with the beginner if you step it up in your own personal effort that it is still usable and not a total waste. I kickbox on the heavy bag or with Cathe 6days a week so I would say I am in the advanced level but I can still put in the Beginner tape and get...
  13. kat31

    Any good workouts for the heavy bag?

    I have these workouts called RealKickboxing Bag workout and I love them. They are fun but they really get your heart rate up. I am including a link below, HTH. You can also find them on amazon for about 50.00 dollars
  14. kat31

    i just feel shame for my city

    We were at baseball practice last night and one of the other mothers told me her husband called her from Grand Rapids, Mi(we live near Ann Arbor,Mi) and there were a couple stations charging over $6.00 per gallon and people were lined up for that price! Shortly before she told me that I heard on...
  15. kat31

    How old at children's birth?

    I was 23 with the first and 29 with the second. I had a very difficult pregnancy with my son so it took several years for me to take the chance of possibley going through a bad pregnancy again, but I did and with no complications.
  16. kat31

    political yard signs yeah or nay?

    I voted no too for the same reasons above. Do I have a strong favorite, Yes. Would I perfer not to declare it on my lawn, Yes. Anyway I have seen horrible stuff done too. In 2004 my neighbor had put a large Bush/Cheney sign in their yard and in the middle of the night someone set it on fire and...
  17. kat31

    Where are u from?

    Far away yes Nellybob but what a place to be!
  18. kat31

    Where are u from?

    Grew up in Flemington,NJ now live near Ann Arbor, Michigan.
  19. kat31

    Has anyone been to Mexico?

    A thread right up my Alley! I love Mexico it is my favorite vacation destination. My family especially my mom,DD(4),DS(9) and I travel to Mexico 2-3 times a year. Our favorite destination is the Mayan Riviera the resort we stay at is The Barcelo which is close to the Tulum ruins mentioned above...
  20. kat31

    Season 2 premiere of Armywives on Lifetime

    I have not watched it yet but I did record it on the DVR. Cannot wait LOVE Catherine Bell!