political yard signs yeah or nay?

How many of you will put a politcal sign in your yard?

  • YES

    Votes: 13 23.6%
  • NO

    Votes: 42 76.4%

  • Total voters
I usually end up voting for the person I dislike least. I don't think I have ever liked a candidate (in any race) enough to put up a yard sign. :eek:
We tend to be the black sheep in our neighborhood. A few years ago on a local election every house on the block had signs out for a certain candidate, not us we were the only ones with the other side. :D
Being an Independent and essentially party-less, I'm like Jodi ~ I usually pick the one I think is going to hurt the least. I've never been motivated to use yard signs or bumper stickers.
I had one up for Ron Paul before the Dark Times fell upon us and my choices became McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden. First time I've ever put up a political yard sign. Or any yard sign, for that matter.

I won't because, unfortunately, there is a small sub-section of society that will use an expression of one's political leanings to do nasty things like throw garbage in your yard or...worse yet...throw food laced with rat poison for your pets. :(

This is also a major reason why I don't have bumper stickers on my car (don't need that keyed).

I just don't have much faith in people sometimes.

Debbie Downer (used to be Gayle)
Gayle, that's awful. That's really frightening. :( You'd think you could put a simple, non-inflammatory sign on your lawn without the worry of such things.

I try really hard to give all people the benefit of the doubt, but I agree...some make it darn near impossible.
Gayle, that's awful. That's really frightening. :( You'd think you could put a simple, non-inflammatory sign on your lawn without the worry of such things.

I try really hard to give all people the benefit of the doubt, but I agree...some make it darn near impossible.

I fully admit that I tend to be a little on the paranoid side, but I do have a close friend who started experiencing small bits of vandalism to their property (mailbox smashed, garbage strewn, etc) soon after placing a Kerry/Edwards sign in their yard in 2004...it sucks.
I fully admit that I tend to be a little on the paranoid side, but I do have a close friend who started experiencing small bits of vandalism to their property (mailbox smashed, garbage strewn, etc) soon after placing a Kerry/Edwards sign in their yard in 2004...it sucks.

Gayle, I think you are right to be cautious. Back in 2004 my BIL's car was vandalized the day he put a Bush/Cheney sticker on it. What is wrong with people, I don't know.

Ditto to what Gayle said. I think many people get bent out of shape over politics and particular candidates. Too many lunatics out there and they are taking this way too personal.

But aside from that, I don't see the benefit of a bumper sticker or yard sign in support of a specific candidate. If I want to support a candidate I volunteer on the campaign or donate money.
That's awful that people would do that. We live in a small town & so far we have never experienced this or heard of anyone else in our area who has. My parents live in Florida & I know during the last election they had signs stolen from their yard, my Dad wound up rigging something up in the tree so the sign could not be taken. Leave it to my Dad. He said people would pay for these signs. Crazy. I do understand your concern. I would not put a bumper sticker on my car, I personally feel they are tacky looking. When the elections over, then what?

Geeze - that is awful that people would do that. Poisoned pet????? That would be an act of war in my home.

We have an ordinance that you cannot put a sign up until 30 days prior to the said election and it must be down within 7 days after. That being said - I live in a very small conservative town and the thinking is more alike however a bumper sticker on my car going into the big city would be a different story. But I do put one on.

I put one up for elections - right down to the school board. And sometimes the school board race can be nastier than any of the others!
I guess I really don't see the point of either signs or bumper stickers. Why is it anyone's business (although as Gayle said, some people seem to take it as a personal affront) who you support. Has anyone been swayed by a road sign or bumper sticker?
They have crazy signs around our neighborhood now that say "Say No to the East Penn Tax Hike!" Well, duh!
I won't because, unfortunately, there is a small sub-section of society that will use an expression of one's political leanings to do nasty things like throw garbage in your yard or...worse yet...throw food laced with rat poison for your pets. :(

This is also a major reason why I don't have bumper stickers on my car (don't need that keyed).

I just don't have much faith in people sometimes.

I agree

Though this year, I do feel strongly enough about a candidate to put up a sign, I won't for the above reasons.
I voted no too for the same reasons above. Do I have a strong favorite, Yes. Would I perfer not to declare it on my lawn, Yes. Anyway I have seen horrible stuff done too. In 2004 my neighbor had put a large Bush/Cheney sign in their yard and in the middle of the night someone set it on fire and this is even with the understanding that we live in a heavily Republican county. Also I never saw the purpose of bumper stickers, you cannot get the stupid things off without causing damage if you actually put it on a painted bumper.
The last time we put up a political sign in our front yard was when Gore/Lieberman (Gore/Traitor, that is) ran for president in 2000. We lived in a small town in Alabama, and our neighbor came up to my husband and asked him what he was doing while he was doing it (um, duh, putting a sign up...). Our neighbors didn't talk to us after that. I don't know if we'll put up a sign this year. I'd love to. I am very excited about Obama/Biden, and I'd like everyone to know it. However, I don't know if DH will want to do it because it alienated us so much last time. I do have a bumper magnet on my car that simply says Obama 08. And today, I was driving down a country road here (we live in TN now), and this guy in a big pickup truck tailgated me for a couple of miles (I was going 5 or 10 miles OVER the speed limit too), and then he passed me on a two-lane road and got right in front of me and turned his windshield washer on, which promptly spit all over my windshield. I thought he was just a jerk, but I wonder if it was because of my magnet. I don't understand why people can't just all get along! I absolutely abhor the "W" stickers that I see on a daily basis, but I don't go around acting like a jerk to those people. Geesh....

So, who knows. I kind of hate to be bullied, so we just might put a sign in our yard. This is the most important election in modern history, and I want to support my candidate to the fullest -- despite it all.
The last time we put up a political sign in our front yard was when Gore/Lieberman (Gore/Traitor, that is) ran for president in 2000. We lived in a small town in Alabama, and our neighbor came up to my husband and asked him what he was doing while he was doing it (um, duh, putting a sign up...). Our neighbors didn't talk to us after that.

I'll never in my life understand that attitude. When will people realize that growth happens when we seek out opinions and beliefs that differ from ours?? I love chatting with people whose world view is different from mine; that's where the good stuff happens!!

When I lived in NYC my best friend and roommate's friend came to visit, not her first time with us and we'd always gotten along just fine. During a political conversation she made the comment that she could "never" be friends with a Conservative (me, at the time) and when my best friend told her I was she said she was no longer "comfortable" with me. I rolled my eyes then and I still do today. People really need to get over themselves.

I totally agree, Sparrow. One of my very good friends is ultra conservative. She actually worked on the congressional campaign for Catherine Harris in Florida. We just don't talk politics. And when we do, it's in broad terms because we know that we're not going to convert each other, but it's nice to understand each other a little more.
I understand that politics, like religion, is a sensitive subject. But people CAN learn to discuss things objectively and with respect. It seems they just don't want to. It requires too much work (and maturity, for that matter).

Stephanie, I love to discuss what's going on with this election, but my husband has asked me to not bring it up...even among friends. He fears feelings will be hurt, and we may find ourselves minus a friend or two. I've agreed to his request, but I think it's such a shame. Why can't you put a sign on your lawn? Why can't I say, "Hey, what did you think of Palin's speech" or "Do you think Obama is being too soft" at dinner?

Instead I have to keep my mouth shut for fear of alienating long time friends. What the heck?!

If I were your neighbor, I'd help you hammer that sign in. :) Regardless of my choice of candidate.
I have never and will never put up a yard sign. I don't really get the point of them, especially the presidential signs. If I were to put up a sign, it might be for a local candidate or issue because they tend to get lost in all the hubbub during a presidential election year.

My DH just read about a study involving bumper stickers that suggests the people who use them tend to have aggressive personalities, even if the message on the bumper sticker isn't inflammatory. I'm not sure where he heard about it, but it actually makes sense to me, based on people I know personally who put bumper stickers on their cars. LOL!!!

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