political yard signs yeah or nay?

How many of you will put a politcal sign in your yard?

  • YES

    Votes: 13 23.6%
  • NO

    Votes: 42 76.4%

  • Total voters
I also worry about petty vandalism. I don't need my mailbox smashed or my car damaged. I don't see giving the crazies a reason to single me out for their anger. they will find a way to take it out on someone so I'm not sticking my head up to be a target. Sad but true.
I feel most invigorated and alive when I talk about the things I am most passionate about -- like religion and politics. Growing up, my mother always taught us that political views are private, so I never ever discussed them until I got to college and realized that those are the best conversations. They get your heart beating a little faster, make your cheeks a little rosier and make you feel impassioned. (Yes, I'm still talking about politics ...) Maybe I'm just a geek, but I want everyone to make informed decisions, stand behind them and don't hide them.
The last time we put up a political sign in our front yard was when Gore/Lieberman (Gore/Traitor, that is) ran for president in 2000. We lived in a small town in Alabama, and our neighbor came up to my husband and asked him what he was doing while he was doing it ..... QUOTE]

During a conversation with one of my oldest & best friends we realized that we differed on our political views. We simply said right then & there we don't talk about it. her freindship is more important to me than winning an argument. That was very immature of your neighbor. To bad they had to act like that.
Why would I put some jackarse politician name on my lawn when I can put a beautiful lawn flamingo there?!
Why would I put some jackarse politician name on my lawn when I can put a beautiful lawn flamingo there?!
BWAHA!!! Beavs, we actually have a pink flamingo in our lawn. It's in the backyard, but still!
I guess I really don't see the point of either signs or bumper stickers. Why is it anyone's business (although as Gayle said, some people seem to take it as a personal affront) who you support. Has anyone been swayed by a road sign or bumper sticker?
They have crazy signs around our neighborhood now that say "Say No to the East Penn Tax Hike!" Well, duh!

I agree! It really is nobody's business who I support!

Having said that, we live in a subdivision that doesn't allow random yard signs, so no worries that anybody could put up a political sign anyway.
I feel most invigorated and alive when I talk about the things I am most passionate about -- like religion and politics.
I really love hearing others' views. It makes me think and opens me up to possibilities and ideas that I might have otherwise missed. The last thing I want to do is make an uninformed, close-minded decision.

I never get upset when discussing these issues, so it bothers me greatly when people get angry at each other. Intellectually I understand the reason for the emotion, but in general I think we're all capable of so much more, so I can't help but be disappointed when a conversation takes a nose dive, or when I'm told not to bring certain subjects up.

Even worse, should I decide to vote for Obama, I cannot tell 95% of my family unless I'm willing to bear either lectures full of outrage or stoney, judgmental silence. :rolleyes:

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