Season 2 premiere of Armywives on Lifetime


Did anyone else watch the season 2 premiere of Armywives on Lifetime? Oh my goodness, I was bawling like a baby. I don't think I've watched one episode of that show that I didn't cry. I absolutely love this show. I saw in the paper today that Season 1 is on DVD now. I think I might have to get it.
Me, me, me!! I saw it, and bawled through the whole show too. I completely lost it at the end though...oh my!! Glad to "meet" another fan. :)
I have not watched it yet but I did record it on the DVR. Cannot wait LOVE Catherine Bell!
That show is the definition of 'guilty pleasure' for me. I forgot about it :-( , but was amused by the cheesy McCain/Obama commercials for it all week.
I loved it-I bawled my eyes out too!! I just thought it was a great episode and thought it was beatifully done.-Lisa
I really like this show. A LOT. Last summer, I would jog on the treadmill while watching it (before I found Coach Sean). It got me on the treadmill. ;) This week, I curled up on the couch and watched the premiere. So sad about things that happened. I don't know why, but it totally strikes a cord with me.


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