Search results

  1. B

    Leg Day?

    I enjoy working out, but I dread leg day. I don't like it. I don't want to do it, and I'm a big baby about it. So... I just want to verify that I actually need to be putting myself through lower body workouts. lol I love step aerobics and kick boxing, and I do them regularly. I don't suppose...
  2. B

    Total Body Stretch (STS 2.0)

    So, just finished up with a busy week of my husband's armored combat fighting, my son's Special Olympics, and time with family and my grand niece's first birthday party at campground. All were out of town, so that's code for I've been slacking off on my workouts. I decided to get my stiff body...
  3. B

    Workout temperature

    The weather has been getting a bit warmer where I live and I get really hot during my workouts. So, It's still pretty cool in the mornings though. It's definitely not air conditioner season here yet. We actually had a bit of snow a week ago. I work out in my living room and when I started going...
  4. B

    Is it just me?

    Does anybody else check the STS 2.0 description almost daily in the hopes of finding out how long each workout is or to see if they've posted a list of the premixes? Is this normal behavior or am I obsessed? lol
  5. B

    Suggestions for mats & rollers?

    My living room is my workout area, so, yeah, I kind of have to make it work. My bookcases have baskets of bands in them. My weights are tucked under a desk in another room. You don't even want to know what all I have stowed in my poor dog's feeding area, which is also a pantry/laundry room...
  6. B

    Rest day vs. Active recovery day

    I think I understand the difference between a rest day and an active recovery day, but what I need to know is this... are both absolutely necessary? As I age, I'm loving active recovery days. A gentle hike (in warm weather), Tai Chi, gentle yoga, long stretch sessions, Classical...
  7. B

    Men working out with Cathe

    My husband recently began working out with Cathe. Because of this, he's lost weight, gained muscle mass, and lowered his blood pressure. He enjoys doing her step as well as her strength training DVDs. I've been working out with Cathe for longer than I can remember. When I go to Amazon to check...
  8. B

    Warm up before ab/core?

    Most of the time, I do my ab workout along with my other strength work, so I've done a warm up before my workout. I do cardio on other days, and yoga, mobility, range of motion, Qi Gong, or something along those lines for my rest day. I'm finding, though, that I'm reaching an age, where I need...
  9. B

    Slim and Trim, Long and Strong, & Mean and Lean DVDs

    I recently purchased a used Fit Tower. The seller, however, is not selling the DVDs that originally came with the tower. A couple of years ago, somebody on Ebay was selling the 3 DVDs that came with the tower, but I didn't yet have a tower, so I didn't purchase them. I figured they'd come with...
  10. B

    ICE bonus Muscle Meltdown DVD

    I really enjoy the LITE series, especially the Pyramid Pump DVD that has all of the bonus pyramid pumps from the entire set and a core workout and stretch on it. I would like to have a similar DVD for upper body strength assembled from the ICE series Muscle Meltdown bonuses. It would be great if...