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    Show them you care...

    Thanks so much Wendy! What a great idea. I've been wondering about getting care packages to our troops since they did away with the "Any soldier" programs. :D Nicole
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    Personality types

    Hi all! Another ISFJ here! It will be fun to see what type everyone is! I think personality typing is very intersting. It really gives you insights into where others are coming from, as well as some insight into yourself! Great thread Nancy! :-) Nicole
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    What I did for a Cathe DVD....

    Welcome Jennifer!! What a funny story! I would have done the same thing too! If DH thinks you're crazy, then you are definitely normal! You will fit right in with your fellow Cathe lovers! :-) Nicole
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    Autumn in Ohio!

    Debbie, Your pictures are just beautiful! I live in San Diego, but we lived in Maine for a year and I will never forget the beauty this time of year brings. I really miss it! I'm hoping someday I'll be independently wealthy so I can spend the fall in New England and then come back here for...
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    Hungry late at night...

    I re-read your post and Christine is right...if you are only eating two meals a day you are likely to get hungry. Think about it this way: If you worked a regular day shift and ate breakfast before work, then ate lunch during your work day, and then came home and didn't eat anything until the...
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    Hungry late at night...

    If you're eating at midnight and not going to bed until 2 or 3 then you should have no trouble at all eating. You just got home from work, so I would expect you to be hungry! Just eat enough to satisfy you, nothing heavy, and you should be fine. That is far better than going into starvation...
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    Ipod - Which one should I get?

    RE: Hi Janice! You are too funny!! (and I know you don't REALLY hate me!}( ) Yes! What you described is what we need! How do I sort out all the info on these things? How do I know what it is exactly I'm looking for? It seems the smallest ones (512 or 1GB flash players)...
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    Ipod - Which one should I get?

    RE: thanks for the sandisk rec Ok...even more options to think of and even more confused! But...does anyone have an Ipod Mini? I noticed Costco has these online and was wondering if they would skip when running. The price is nice for a 6GB. You guys have me worried that I'm going to need...
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    Ipod - Which one should I get?

    Thanks everyone for your replies!! Lisa- thanks for the link to cnet! Lots of info there and now I have more questions! Twosquared - thanks for the link to best buy! Hmmmm...makes me think alot about getting something smaller and less expensive. Well, I'm going through the buying...
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    Ipod - Which one should I get?

    I really want to get an Ipod!! Do any of you have one and which one do you have? I want one to use primarily for working out...that I can use when running or on the treadmill, or on the bike, or at the gym. So I need one that's light enough to carry with me and small enough so I can use one...
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    Spin Bike or Trainer?

    Hi All! For those of you that spin, do you use a spinning bike or do you use your regular bike and a trainer? I want to start incorporating spinning into my workouts and would really appreciate any feedback and experiences. What I have now is a Trek mountain bike that I bought a few years...
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    were do i buy full size step

    I got mine at Their price was good and the customer service is excellent! I have not seen one in a store for many years, so purchasing online was the only option for me. Good Luck! :-) Nicole
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    Fat loss conundrum - HELP!

    Hi! I'm reading BFFM too! I remember reading about tapering calories later in the day, but I don't remember tapering carbs. Which plan are you following in BFFM? I'm reading on page 237 under "menu template for the baseline diet" and for the last meal it says "lean protein, starchy carb...
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    Football Fans

    Wasn't that Monday Night game the Steelers vs. Chargers? Yup...I live in San Diego so I remember that game well!! All I can say is I always have and always will support my local team (nobody throw anything at me) We used to have season tickets and that was a blast even though we usually...
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    Football Fans

    Sarah...I'm so glad you're a big football fan too! I grew up watching both college and pro and have the games on all weekend too! College is my favorite. I don't know too many girls besides me (and family) who like it as much as I do. Funny though...DH was never really a fan until he met...
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    Confession Thursday

    Okay....I had chocolate chip cookie dough and diet pepsi for breakfast. They cancel each other out...don't they? :9 Nicole
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    New Cathe Shopping Cart

    Sounds great! Thanks!! :-) Nicole
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    New Cathe Shopping Cart

    Sounds great! Thanks!! :-) Nicole
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    Do you have an affiliate program?

    Hi Jennifer, I just wanted to let you know that SNM posted a thread in the "Ask Cathe Forum" about a new shopping cart they are launching soon that also includes a new affiliate program. Hope this helps. :-) Nicole
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    IronMan Triatholon

    A member of my family (by marriage) competes in the Ironman and she is almost 60! I was absolutely amazed when I first heard she was doing this event, and that was years ago. Although I cannot say I was surprised, because she has always been so very fit. I agree, you have to be an...