>Thanks everyone for your replies!!
>Well, I'm going through the buying guide on cnet and I know
>for sure at this point I am only using it for working out.
>This is my first mp3 player purchase so I probably don't know
>yet how addicting it will be for me!! But for now, I really
>just want to be able to take my music and cardio coach
>workouts with me wherever I go to workout. I don't have a
>huge music library right now, but I do want to download some
>good dance/club music for workouts.
>I really like that SanDisk since it seems to have all the
>features I'm looking for at an attractive price. I like the
>idea of spending a little less right now since I'm a newbie at
>this. I'm not sure if I should go for a smaller model and
>then upgrade later when I know better how I will use it.
>Spending less is definitely a positive aspect right now!
>Now after doing some reading on cnet, I'm curious about
>downloading music. If I go to a website like Itunes and
>download to my computer, and then to my mp3 player, are there
>compatibility issues? I know it's no problem from my CD's, so
>I'm wondering what's the difference? Sorry if this is a dumb
>question, but I never thought of compatibility issues until I
>read that on cnet. Unless I'm reading that wrong...or I just
>am not understanding completely how it works.
>Thanks again!!

Will almost guarantee that what ever you get it will be addicting.
A few things to address, and I don't know if I can be much help here, but I will try. Check out the cardio coach website and make sure that the SanDisk I bought has enough room for you to download that. I don't do cardio coach, I checked out the website once, and it looks like you can order cd's or just download. This being the case, I'm sure they are compatible, but sounds like you may want to keep several workouts at a time on your mp3 and not constantly have to switch. Before I open mine, I am going to check out the sandisk e140 that Lisa just picked up, for an extra $25 more memory with expansion possible. It may be bigger than I want though.
As for downloading music, my husband has always been the one to do this. My son has the older sandisk of the one I just purchased, and he does not download from itunes, but downloads from musicmatch.com.
As far as I know, it is very easy to download from musicmatch.
Hope this helps you!!!

I am going to check out the cnet for reviews of the e140. Also, circuit city's website has good reviews as well.