were do i buy full size step


Okay guys, here is my question. I have been doing step for about six months. I satered with a step I bought at a yard sale that is called "the step" and the risers on it snap on or lock on. I love that because i feel more stable. However its small in lenght, so I wanted to move on to a full size step like the one cathe uses on her videos.
I went out and bought the Cathe combo at walmart and that step came with 2 risers, however my problem remained the same. The step is not full size and the risers make me feel as if I will fall, they are not so stable.

I want a full size step, with rubbler non-slip support on top and I would really like the risers to lock on (i feel more safe) however if that type of a step is no longer available fine.

I have looked everywere for a full size step... does anyone have any idea were I can buy one retail or online? Any suggestions would be great!

i found some through cathe's links here. i don't know who is the best service though. when i moved i couldn't get a full size step.;(



When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I got mine at www.fitness1st.com

Their price was good and the customer service is excellent!

I have not seen one in a store for many years, so purchasing online was the only option for me.

Good Luck!

:) Nicole
I got mine at fitness 1st too. That was over a year ago but at that time it was the best price I could find. Service was excelent and FAST!
I got mine from sportsunlimitedinc.com. It came with a free Cathe DVD "Basic Step and Cardio and Weights". I have also seen them at several fitness stores that sell treadmills.

The way I found mine was by doing a web search on "aerobic step". Just make sure you check the size, because several companies sell the smaller one and it looks like the full size. I also check ebay, but was afraid it would be the smaller size.

I bought the one from Wal-Mart.com that Lori posted the link to. It was $75.77 after tax (7%) and shipping ($12.97) I just got it yesterday (Thursday)! I ordered it on Monday. Very quick shipping :)

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