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  1. C

    CIA Powerbar training

    This is one of my favorites too! It reminds me a lot of Power Hour. Great workout!
  2. C

    and ACTION!

    I'm guessing filming is under way. For several weeks Cathe was around almost daily but has disappeared in the past week - that usually mean it's time to film!
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    Stability ball - harder than it looks?

    I just got a stability ball a couple of months ago. I did the same thing - wobbling all over the place or even rolling right off of it! But I kept trying and surprised myself one day when I was able to do the exercises correctly! It is a terrific exercise tool - someone it really makes you work...
  4. C


    Hi Lori, I had this happen last year - a bump popped up right in the place where my leg joins my torso. It turned out to be an infected lymph node. I took antibiotics for a week and it went away. The doctor said if you have an infection somewhere in your body, it goes to your lymph nodes and...
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    Fun new step workout

    I didn't pay too much attention to the music except to notice that it has a great beat that goes with the steps. It's hard to compare her choreography to anybody, but I would say it's sort of similar in that it is not dancy - more athletic, but still creative. It's listed as advanced, but I...
  6. C

    Fun new step workout

    Just wanted to pass this on - I just got a new step workout called Step By Design from a new instructor - Carole Paradise. She has been an instructor of many years, but this is her first video. It's really fun! It's all step - about 45 minutes including the warm up and step routine (I didn't go...
  7. C

    Gilmour Girls fans

    I thought it started out pretty good - and funny - and then deteriorated. Rory is really getting on my nerves - for a smart girl she is really stupid. I don't blame Lorali for being mad at her parents. They made her a promise and then went back on it without even talking to her. They took...
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    suggestions for step only workouts

    I love Step Works! I think it's Cathe's hardest step workout - a real killer - but lots of fun!
  9. C

    Trade RS/MIC/IM for HSC or HSTA

    There is a video exchange section here:
  10. C

    The Gilmore Girls resumes tonight

    I love this show! I just found it last year - and then learned it was on its 5th year! But I caught up pretty fast. It is so funny! I can't wait to see what Luke says tonight!
  11. C

    Quick Lunches?

    I usually have what I refer to as a "concoction." I take frozen raspberries, blueberries, strawberries (fresh if I can get them) and microwave them until they are thawed. Then I add a handful or two of granola cereal and a container of yogurt - my favorite is raspberry. That fills me up for the...
  12. C

    Desperate for some new cardio!

    I just got a new step workout by an instructor named Carole Paradise. It's called Step by Design ( It is terrific! Really fun - about 45 minutes long - all step! She has been an instructor for about 20 years, but this is first video. I hope she makes lots more!
  13. C

    Katrina - Animal rescue donation site

    Thanks for letting us know about the Houston Humane Society! I just made a contribution to them too - I'm sure they need all the help they can get!
  14. C

    Katrina - Animal rescue donation site

    The Humane Society of the U.S. also has a place on their home page where you can go to make contributions that will be used directly for rescue efforts. They have teams already there trying to help rescue animals. The link is
  15. C

    Dana Reeves (non-smoker) has lung cancer

    I was just devastated to learn about this yesterday. The thing that makes it even worse is that in addition to losing her husband, she ALSO lost her mother - I think it was in January of this year! That is TOO much to ask one person to go through in less than a year!
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    luck with St. John's Wort?

    I have read quite a bit about the success some people have had with St. John's Wort, so I think it really does work. One caution - several studies have shown that it can decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills - so if you're taking them you might want to try something else!
  17. C

    Anyone had microdermabrasion?

    I have had microdermabrasion and really liked the results. It wasn't that it helped with wrinkles, but it got all the dead skin off my face. The next morning when I started applying my foundation I was so surprised - it's like new skin! It can be a little uncomfortable though while it's being...
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    OMG - pet peeve

    That's what I'm trying to say too! It gets the point across, but it's less offensive - to me and hopefully to anyone else!
  19. C

    OMG - pet peeve

    I really don't like the expression "Oh My God" and we hear it all the time! I find myself saying it without thinking, and I have decided to make a real effort to stop. I just can't stand the way it sounds! Does it bug anyone else?
  20. C

    Any Opinions on Stretch Max?

    I LOVE this one - and I have always avoided stretching! My favorite is the one where you use a band - it really helps get the stretch. I always like the first one where you don't use any equipment. I haven't done the one with the ball since I don't have a ball, but I'm sure it's good too. It's...