Gilmour Girls fans


What a great show. Anyway, do you think Lorelai is going to really marry Luke or rethink the proposal since she was so upset about Rory and not in the best place to be asking someone to marry her? I also think she is being really immature about Rory and her parents. Rory has to leave the nest sometime and Lorelai does not own her. I, however, own my daughters, but that is different!
Your opinions please on what is going on with the Gilmour Girls!
I also love the show. I think that Lorelai is going to back out of the marriage at some point. I think she has a right to be a little ticked at her parents. I also think it's silly that Rory let a stupid comment like she doesn't have what it takes to be a writer make her quit Yale.

I'm a big fan of the show too. I think that Loreli and Luke will eventually get married, but I am betting that there will be more than a few obstacles in their path.

As for Rory...I think it was kind of strange how she ran to her Grandparents for help over going to Loreli. It's more like Rory wishes she was raised as the rich girl to perhaps fit better with Logan and his family.

One thing that I hate, is when they start the season with so much fighting.

Hey what did you guys think of Luke's hair? Did you notice how not only was it a little bit blonder, but it was that long floppy look that Hugh Grant once sported? I was thinking that Luke was definitely on the fast track to balding, but perhaps they have found a way to disguise it. I found myself constantly studying his hair. I have to admit, I can't quite picture him with a shaved head--which is a good way to go for some balding guys (ex. Andre Agassi).

My girls and I love Gilmour Girls and watched last night!

I think Loreli will back out of the engagement. She told Luke she would like kids but to the real estate agent she was like "not you too" when she said the Twickham house would be a great place to raise kids. I think Rory is a complete idiot quitting Yale and going out with that guy. His friends are such jerks. Why would you want to be like that? (I use them to teach my girls not to act like them) Great show though with great dialogue, sets, acting etc..
Television without Pity is a great site to discuss the show.

I was supremely disappointed in episode last night. SP's hair and clothes were the worst, and no chemistry between L/L. Who proposes to another person without first saying "I love you" somewhere in the oh, I don't know, FIRST YEAR OF THE RELATIONSHIP?

Heck, don't get me started about all the ways I think the show has declined since Season 1.

I thought it started out pretty good - and funny - and then deteriorated. Rory is really getting on my nerves - for a smart girl she is really stupid.

I don't blame Lorali for being mad at her parents. They made her a promise and then went back on it without even talking to her. They took over her daughter and now they are in charge and want her "involvement" - that's pretty crummy of them.

It's still a great show though - hopefully they will lighten up soon!

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