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  1. S

    How Did He Propose?

    I proposed to DH;-) Yeah, we haven't really done ANYTHING traditionally. We had talked about marriage a lot and we both knew that we wanted to get married, I just suggested that we do it that summer instead of waiting. So, it only left us with a little less than 3 months to plan, but we...
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    Road Trip infor POSTED !!

    I was getting out of the shower this morning and thought, "I bet today is the day Cathe announces the RT dates b/c the hotel must have confirmed by now." I love to be right}( I am SO excited!!! Laurie-You have to come Cheetah!!! Think of the photo-op with as many Cheetah's together as...
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    Seat up or down?

    Maybe we should think about toilet training little boys to pee while sitting down too :7 Then no worries about seats or spills (*shudder*). The more important question might be why do men need to pee standing up? LOL. Mattea
  4. S

    Speaking of coworkers who make you nuts

    I just remembered another one that started showing up in student papers a few years ago, the bizarre use of the phrase "being that." For example, "Being that George Washington was the first president it is only right that we honor his birthday." Not only is this awkward, but it just sounds...
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    Speaking of coworkers who make you nuts

    Donna, That's where my MIL grew up (right in Endeeecott, lol) and DH and I went to college there for several years. We're still upstate New Yorkers! Mattea
  6. S

    can you prevent soreness?

    Heidi, You could google this for more info. but I remember reading recent studies that drinking tart cherry juice (maybe cranberry too?) before/after a very hard workout would help prevent soreness. I think it was in Runner's World a couple of issues ago. HTH, Mattea
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    Speaking of coworkers who make you nuts

    Oh man, as an English teacher married to an English teacher my DH and I have heard pretty much all of it :) "Counsint" instead of "counsin" anyone? But, it's different coming out to kids (who you can politely correct) instead of adults, like my MIL, can you imagine correcting your own...
  8. S

    ::::: CHEETAHS ::::: Tues., 2/27

    Good Afternoon Cheetahs! I can't believe it's afternoon already :) I just wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome back and the "sympathy for the (treadmill) devil", lol! Linda and Kristi thank you for the TV advice!! I moved a TV to the TM room today and my hour went by SO much...
  9. S

    nutritional yeast

    Elaine, Yes, that is true, but it is very easy to find a brand that has been fortified with it, as a vegan I never buy one without it. Most types that you'd find in the store have been fortified, but you're right, it's a good question to ask, or at least keep in mind if b12 is an issue for you...
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    ::::: CHEETAHS ::::: Monday, Feb. 26

    Good Morning Cheetahs! A delinquent cheetah here:o I been running bare maintenence miles this winter (I'm such a cold weather wimp) and although DH and I do have a new treadmill that is such a nice convenience I'm having a whole lot of trouble getting into the groove of TM running. I get...
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    nutritional yeast

    Tina, I use nutritional yeast all the time and have for years. It's a great source of vitamin b-12, protein, and flavor. The "Red Star" brand is probably the most famous and the one you're most likely to find. It's consistently yummy and has a nice even texture. (Sometimes you come across...
  12. S

    Road Trip Questions

    Shelley, I couldn't believe how much energy we all had for the kickboxing, our THIRD workout of the day! I was right next to Pinky and I remember that she was FIERCE. If she wasn't so tiny I might have been afraid that she was going to kick me accidentally ;-) But for me, there was nothing...
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    Road Trip Questions

    And even though the walls of the studio have a bunch of mirrors, I can guarantee you that everyone is so busy looking at Cathe (and Cedie!), and trying not to screw up themselves that you could plie jack yourself straight onto your face and only the person right behind you would probably notice...
  14. S

    Peanut Butter and Salmonella

    Wow--I would probably be freaking out if I knew I'd been eating this! News like this should come with instructions on what to do if you've been eating this and feel crappy... This was exactly how I felt when the e coli/spinach fiasco happened, I'd been eating that spinach all weekx( Mattea
  15. S

    Peanut Butter and Salmonella

    Yeah, I mean, it's not like you can wash peanut butter or disinfect it with bleach, or make sure it's cooked to a certain temp (well, I guess you could, but most people don't). The article gives you batch numbers to check against your jars so maybe the ones you have are okay?
  16. S

    Heading to the bank at lunch...

    Beavs, "Mystery shop"?
  17. S

    Heading to the bank at lunch...

    I'm traveling to the post office today! Just think, there's mail from all over the world there;-) Mattea
  18. S

    Peanut Butter and Salmonella

    I just saw this headline and wanted to make sure that everyone was aware. :-( Mattea
  19. S

    Someone said there is a new machine at the gyms for cardio???

    I too want to offer up another vote in favor of the arc trainer. I was never crazy about the movement of the elliptical, but LOVED the arc trainer the first time I used one. DH and I both agreed that when we can afford one we'd love to have one at home. I hope you give it a try! Mattea
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    Butts and Guts

    Forget about trying to walk the next day, you'll be lucky to make it to the shower;-) Mattea