Peanut Butter and Salmonella

Yeah, I mean, it's not like you can wash peanut butter or disinfect it with bleach, or make sure it's cooked to a certain temp (well, I guess you could, but most people don't). The article gives you batch numbers to check against your jars so maybe the ones you have are okay?
I was just coming on here to warn everybody!I heard about a stomache virus at my college last week and I willing to bet that they all ate PB.Great,ate some yesturday for a snack,my DD ate some for a late night snack last night! I wonder if its in all peter pan brands(reduced fat) the # on the lid does start with 2111x(!!

Wow--I would probably be freaking out if I knew I'd been eating this! News like this should come with instructions on what to do if you've been eating this and feel crappy...

This was exactly how I felt when the e coli/spinach fiasco happened, I'd been eating that spinach all weekx(

Is it the Great Value that Wal-Mart puts out also. On the link it looked like a different company, or is it the same company and Walmart puts their name on it? The lids do start with 2111 numbers.
Yikes. How could salmonella end up in peanut butter? Any ideas?

I only buy natural peanut butter and as it has no preservatives, I wonder if that makes it more unsafe...
>Yikes. How could salmonella end up in peanut butter? Any

Contamination at the plant, where it spread from something else.
My 10 year old son and I have also both ate it with the code 2111. So far so good. I'm trying to pack weight on my 10 year old so I give him alot of p-nut butter. I only ate one teaspoon of it. That was almost 48 hours ago. Wouldn't we both already have symptoms if we had contacted salmonella?
I just threw away a jar of Peter Pan Reduced Fat PB with a code starting with 2111. I bought mine at Wal-Mart. Luckily I haven't been eating it because I ordered a case of Naturally More PB when I read about it on this forum. Only my dog has been eating Peter Pan lately and she hasn't been sick. Now she has her own jar of Naturally More in the refrigerator!
I usually eat another brand of natural, and buy Jif for the family, who don't like my brand. My DH insisted Peter Pan is better, so I bought him a jar last week. Yup, code starts with 2111. He hadn't had any yet though. Thanks for posting the links. My local new station hinted at the story, but never got around to broadcasting it.

I'm thinking of taking the jar to work tomarrow and see if I can get anything to grow out of it. (I'm a hospital microbiologist)
Thank you so much for posting this!! I saw it on the news at noon & couldn't believe it. My kids love the Peter Pan PB & honey & I have TWO jars that we've been eating for a couple weeks now!!!!!! Yes, code starts w/ 2111.....

AND, I had what I thought was the stomach flu last Thurs, but now I'm beginning to wonder.... I have switched to Naturally More PB (thanks to the recommendations here!), but do catch myself licking the knife after making my kids a sandwich. *blush* And, my dd who loves her bananas w/ PB & honey has complained of a tummy ache the last couple days.

So... jars are in the trash (and saved the lids for my refund!). I'm sticking w/ my NM PB!!!!!!!!!
I have been using Great Value peanut butter to give my dogs their medicine every day. I checked and, yes, the code on the lid is 2111. Not sure if it actually is contaminated but would very much like to find out.

My husband just got home from work. He works in the grocery business. He said his grocery chain had about 195,000 jars. He said to bring the jar back to where you bought it for a refund. The stores will need the UPC code for credit, and that is on the label of the jar.

The Great Value PB is Wal-Marts private label brand.

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