Search results

  1. LaughingWater

    New Mommy - WHEN to workout???

    Congratulations on your new baby! :) With Baby #1, I started exercising 3 days after delivery. Finding time to workout was near impossible (at times, I was exercising at 3am because that was when my daughter slept the longest, and I could manage just under an hour). The rest of the time, she...
  2. LaughingWater

    STS Meso 3

    Lift even heavier and you'll appreciate the extra rest. :D
  3. LaughingWater

    Just finished my STS rotation!

    Congrats! :) That 6-month rotation is a long haul, isn't it? I did 3 months the second time around and enjoyed that even more.
  4. LaughingWater

    Shock Cardio-anyone else a little disappointed?

    Coming in late with my .02. :) I like the variety in intensity (I personally can't go all out, 100% every day). I also have a heavy bag and recently did the entire boxing workout on the bag, which was fun. I plan on trying that with the kickbox DVD soon. I love the circuit, step, and HIIT...
  5. LaughingWater

    Cathe's newest fan

    Your baby is so cute! :)
  6. LaughingWater

    Different Workout "Groupings"

    I break them down into: * Cardio (this can be Step, Low Impact, HIIT) * Weight Training * Circuits (the most FIRM-like) I know Cathe's shop page breaks them down even more (Low Impact, Step, etc.), but I stick to those 3. The best way to get a feel for them is to read the descriptions and...
  7. LaughingWater

    Constantly surprised

    Way to go! :)
  8. LaughingWater

    How do I download a rotation?

    Okay. Try posting in the Workout Manager forum. Hopefully SNM will be able to help.
  9. LaughingWater

    How do I download a rotation?

    Just checking...did you mark the box that says, "Place in my calendar"? I ask because I had trouble at first, and that's the one step I overlooked.
  10. LaughingWater

    SUPER high energy day!!!

    I thought I'd experiment this morning and eat a little something before trying Cardio Core Circuit today (as opposed to my usual fasting cardio). I will have to play with this a bit to be sure, but boy, it may turn out to make a huge difference. CCC is super tough for me first thing in the...
  11. LaughingWater

    Legs X2

    I don't think you'll mess anything up. I started doing 2 leg workouts a week 3 weeks ago and have been doing quite well. It's a little tiring, but if you're used to B&G, you should have no problem! They're great calorie-burners. :eek:
  12. LaughingWater

    Meet Mishka my german shepherd puppy!

    She's beautiful! Kisses for Mishka!
  13. LaughingWater

    Please help me out :)

    Awesome story! *claps* Congratulations on being featured. You definitely deserve it. :) And I agree with Stebby ~ 4DS.
  14. LaughingWater

    We're Rockin' and Rolling

    Woo hoo!
  15. LaughingWater

    meditation recommendations?

    Kathy Freston is my favorite. :) I have tried others just for some variety, but I always come back to her.
  16. LaughingWater

    Yoga recommendations for neck/spine issues and for a GUY?

    I wish I could. Unfortunately, the only yoga DVDs I have are of the "power" variety, and it sounds like your husband would benefit more from a "restorative" practice. Here are Amazon's hits for "Restorative Yoga." * I would look for a yoga studio in your area first. See if someone near you...
  17. LaughingWater

    Should clean eating do this to me?

    Just adding my support as well. :) I started exercising and eating well at 15 and never looked back. I hung out with people who drank and did drugs, but I just did my own thing and didn't bother thinking twice about it. Some of my friends and family teased me. It was usually done with...
  18. LaughingWater

    STS Squat Rack Legs DVD's

    I've done all 4 weeks. I also found myself at the end of the workout thinking, "Okay, that didn't seem quite as hard as it should have," even though I was sweatin' big time. I think I need to go heavier the next time around.
  19. LaughingWater

    Would like more muscle definition

    I've read suggestions from 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. I couldn't tell you if either is correct though.
  20. LaughingWater

    My precious Punky is sick. Need prayers!

    *cheers for Punky!*