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  1. N

    P90X Grads and Nancy...Tuesday...

    Hey girls - Feeling a bit lazy today..........had a good night sleep but I feel tired. Not much planned today. I'll workout later, not sure what. My butt and legs are fried from yesterday. Angie - Yeah, the packing has begun. I'm used to renting condos with washer/dryer units, etc. so...
  2. N

    *** Weight Watchers Tuesday***

    Good afternoon girls!!! No workout for me today until later and, as expected, I'm really feeling B&G today. I love the dress, Lori!!! You'll have to take pics and let us have a look. What color shoes are you going to wear? How long does all of GS UB take? That's some workout...
  3. N

    *** Weight Watchers Monday***

    The late checker is here.......... I did B & G Leg Blast Premix today. Oh MY..........can any of you really do that in its entirety???? I thought I was going to die. It was the hardest leg workout I've ever done. I better not be able to walk tomorrow, that's all I can say. I hope...
  4. N

    P90X Grads and Nancy...Monday again...

    I hear you, Laura. But get this.....we just stayed in New Jersey - right on the ocean. Beautiful houses all around us. They had had a hurricane come through in 1962 and wipe out the whole island (Long Beach Island). I asked the owner of the house (our brother-in-law) what he had to pay in...
  5. N

    P90X Grads and Nancy...Monday again...

    Hey girls!!! Thanks for all the well-wishes about my mom.'s an ongoing battle for her (and me). On a bright note, we have a wonderful live-in who my mother loves. She has a neurological something (even doctors are stumped) and is always dizzy, etc. She has all of her wits though...
  6. N

    P90X Babes & Nancy....7/15

    Hey everybody!! The late poster, as usual. I did read everyone's post and it's nice to know that you're all doing well. I had a busy day today with my mom over all weekend. It's really tough seeing your mom not doing well. I'm super depressed today!!!! Rather than depress everyone...
  7. N

    *** Weight Watchers Sunday ***

    Hey girls!! A busy day around here with having my mom over and all. It's tough to see your mom not feel well for so long. I'm doing the best I can. Only a quick workout today of pushups done the GS way and shoulders. That's it.......... Oh, Belinda, I'm so sorry you're going through...
  8. N

    Pretty sure I just wasted 2 yrs of my life in nursing..

    I know this is an old thread but I've been away. I just wanted to say that I felt exactly the same way you do. I realized it in nursing school and I mean NURSING 101!!!! But, I continued.... Well, I hit the floors and never stopped running! And every nurse here know exactly what I'm...
  9. N

    P90X & Nancy ------> Saturday, 7.14

    Hey Girls!! I'm Back!!!! We had a good time and the weather was great. We really missed the heat wave. It was so much cooler down there. We had to leave the beach some days because we were so cold. I'm glad to be home though. No place like home. Two weeks down the beach is a long time. I went...
  10. N

    *** Weight Watchers Saturday ***

    Hey Girls!! I'm Back!!!! We had a good time and the weather was great. We really missed the heat wave. It was so much cooler down there. We had to leave the beach some days because we were so cold. I'm glad to be home though. No place like home. Two weeks down the beach is a long time...
  11. N

    *** Weight Watchers Wed ***

    RE: *** Weight Watchers Thursday *** Hey girls!!! Came home for a quick bbq with the family. Had a good time. We decided not to bring down a laptop to the beach so I haven't been able to check in this week. It gives us more quality time and time to catch up on the books we've been dying...
  12. N

    P90X Grads & Nancy ---> 4th of July calories don't coun...

    RE: P90X Grads & Nancy ---> 4th of July calories don't ... Hey Everybody!!! I came home today to attend a family bbq for the 4th. The beach is only about an hour and a half away so we came up. I'm glad we did. Had a good time and ate great food. We decided against bringing down a...
  13. N

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    My MIL swore by the stuff. She made a concoction called "Dr. Jarvis". You can google it. I believe it's about a quart of water to X amount of apple cider vinegar, and a few teaspoons of honey. I'm not sure but, like I said, you can google it. She claimed it cured all that ailed you...
  14. N

    *** Weight Watchers Thursday ***

    Hey girls - First full day of summer vacation and I slept until 10:30. Oh, I was up at 5, letting the dog out, made some coffee, and then hought "What am I an idiot?" and went back to bed. It felt good. I already completed PS Legs and I thought that was another good one. I can really heavy...
  15. N

    P90X Grads/Nancy ----> Thursday, 6.28

    Hey girls - First full day of summer vacation and I slept until 10:30. Oh, I was up at 5, letting the dog out, made some coffee, and then hought "What am I an idiot?" and went back to bed. It felt good. I already completed PS Legs and I thought that was another good one. I can really...
  16. N

    P90X Grads and Nancy Wednesday!

    Yup..........last day!!!! Summer is here!!!!! I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control............ I preordered on Monday and with it ordered the dated Strength series and it was waiting for me when I got home today. Wow....that's a record. At my house within two...
  17. N

    *** Weight Watchers Wed***

    Welcome back, Mary!!!! I'm glad you're feeling better. You're going to have to let us know all about that Zone diet!! Well, my LAST day for the summer.......yayy!!!!!!! It feels like a little bit of heaven. I love this job for this very reason!!! I ordered the Strength Series when I...
  18. N

    *** Weight Watchers Tuesday ***

    Hey girls! Lori - send some of that chilly weather this way, will ya? It's so hot here it's miserable. It literally makes you feel sick to be outside. I like KPC too, Belinda! Wow....your first day of rest since Germany - I think you need it!!!!! Enjoy! I may make TODAY a rest day...
  19. N

    X Grads & Nancy -- Tuesday, 6.26

    Hey Laura - We were posting at the same time, I guess. Yup, I'm excited. I'm glad to hear you and hubby are in the cooling off phase. Making up should be interesting, huh? Sounds like I need some emotional stress too - my pants are feeling snug!!!! Nancy
  20. N

    X Grads & Nancy -- Tuesday, 6.26

    Wendy - I love the tatoo!!!! I'm so "straight and narrow" I'd probably give a few of my family/friends a heart attack if I ever deviated - so no tatoos for me, lol. Seriously, I like them but they just don't match me. Yup, we're still in school!!!! Mayor Bloomberg of NYC really knows how...