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  1. hotdogsaregross

    Buried in BFFM- and digging it!

    Laughingwater!!! :D
  2. hotdogsaregross

    weird precision nutrition blog entry

    great workouts it was for the ladies as well. I got this article via email from PN. It was addressed as for women who want to work out it said... This week is all about the ladies. If you're a woman interested in learning how to exercise PROPERLY to get into the best shape of your life...
  3. hotdogsaregross

    Cancelling Precision Nutrition

    Oh No!!! I ordered mine last week and it is being shipped now (apparently). I hope I like it. What jerks. You either havd a return policy or you don't. Simple as that. Don't try to bully someone into keeping something that they are not happy with. I am sorry for your bad experince and thanks...
  4. hotdogsaregross

    soup recipes??

    I printed this recipe, it sounds AWESOME!!! Thnaks:D
  5. hotdogsaregross

    Question re: Compilation DVDs

    I have heard that 4DS is very, very versitile and a great buy. I recently purchased it but has a shoulder injury so have not used it yet. The Bootcamp and Kick box workouts looked really super in this collection.
  6. hotdogsaregross

    How much tuna is safe?

    I read that eating Light tuna is the best choice. The light version refers to the type of tuna they use, smaller fish, smaller younger tuna with a milder taste. Not light as in packed in water instead of oil.
  7. hotdogsaregross

    Squat Rack or Power Rack?

    That is soooooooooo funny and cute!!! I didn't know what you were talking about at first and then I noticed 'little baby" sneeking along the top! :p
  8. hotdogsaregross

    Humor me about cardio...please

    Great links Cynthia, thanks :)
  9. hotdogsaregross

    Need some Catheite input here, please!

    Great question Morningstar, I would like to hear some imput on this as well. I wish I could advise you myself. I eat between 2000-2400 cal a day. I find it really, really hard to eat less than that. I think that 1800 cal a day for me, would absolutely help me lose my extra 5lbs of fat. You...
  10. hotdogsaregross

    GS Legs vs Legs and Glutes

    Is Leg's and Glutes on Butts and Gutts or is it a seperate workout DVD called Legs & Glutes?
  11. hotdogsaregross

    Anyone tried Alwyn Cosgrove's Afterburn program?

    icumom, Was the dread factor due to the HIIT workouts or just that the program was so intense and the diet so strict? I as well as you, have exercise for years. I still need to drop about 5lbs of body fat though so that is why I was looking into Afterburn. I didn't realize it was out for a...
  12. hotdogsaregross

    Anyone tried Alwyn Cosgrove's Afterburn program?

    Has anyone read or heard anything good about Alwyn Cosgrove's Afterburn? It is a book/program that focuses on HIIT and fat loss via increasing your metabolism. It sounds good but I want some more information. How does it compare to Precision Nutrition? Thanks in advance, Mary :D
  13. hotdogsaregross

    Go Fit - Canadians beware!

    Holy smokes! Holy smokes, were they gold kettle bells? I have been to the Treadmill factory a few times as there are many item there that I drool over. What size kettle bells did your go with? I just ordered Lauren Brooks DVD the one you got (I read in your post about were they cardio...
  14. hotdogsaregross

    April 09' Rotation

    Thank you for the suggestions Yes, thank you Jesuslives for the great suggestions and rundowns of each workout, it really helped :) Happy Easter !
  15. hotdogsaregross

    The Fitnessfreak appreciation thread

    I agree, it seems like she is Cathe Jr (lol) ;)
  16. hotdogsaregross

    April 09' Rotation

    Cany anyone suggest what I can sub for the following... I am new to step and don't own nor could I do theese.... IMAX 3 IMax 2 IMax Body Max 2 Maximun Intensity cardio I have Drill Max, Boot Camp. 4DS, HIS, HSC, Muscel Max I have ordered basic step and Low max What is cardio &...
  17. hotdogsaregross


    bumping for other healthy suggestions :)
  18. hotdogsaregross

    Where is the love? Right here!

    Well said, thanks and I agree :) WE ROCK!!!
  19. hotdogsaregross

    Canadians, who bought???

    I pre-ordered! I paid $138.33. I hope I don't get dinged with duty this time though. I had to pay $60 bucks for my STS at the post office in duty!
  20. hotdogsaregross

    SNM - Do you reply to emails?

    I agree, they are REALLY good :) Sometimes I hate spam filters (lol)