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  1. BreckGirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    Sweet. You mean PMs or P.M.S.? LMAO... or both?
  2. BreckGirl

    Shelley allwildgirl

    I want a PM. *pouts*
  3. BreckGirl

    Body Composition Scan

    A dear friend of mine had these done regularly during her prep to get a competition level body... she was pleased with them, and they were accurate with the body fat composition measurements. HTH
  4. BreckGirl

    The problem with America...

    Wait, I thought you were SUPPOSED to cram Cheez-its in your face while NEKKID. It doesn't say not to on the box... Dangit. Where's that warning label when you need it?
  5. BreckGirl

    The problem with America...

    Peggie - Are you suggesting drug use? I think I've decided to be offended by that. :rolleyes: Robin - {{{HUGS}}}
  6. BreckGirl

    Glad I got Shock Cardio

  7. BreckGirl

    My pants fell down during 40/20!!

    Now THAT's what I call SHOCK cardio!! :eek::eek:
  8. BreckGirl

    Just got my UPS shipment notice!!!

    Woo Hooooooooo me too, me toooooooo!!!!!
  9. BreckGirl

    Would you try to return used make-up?

    Nancy, just march right in there and return it. There should be NO problem whatsoever. I've returned partially used (meaning, just a smidge) makeup/skincare before at Neimans (without any excuse other than, "I'd like to return this"). They were gracious and returned without question...
  10. BreckGirl

    Is there a quick fix for drooping eyelids?

    Laura... I have naturally oily eyelids. ??? Whatever. It's the truth. I used to crease all the time, or stuff would slide all over my face/eyes/brows what have you. I swear swear swear by Bobbi Brown shadow stick. I use the vanilla, pat it in, then just do a light dusting of either vanilla...
  11. BreckGirl

    Who on these forums sees a chiropractor? WARNING - LONG POST

    Just my 2 cents... I agree - in ANY profession (ANY) you are going to have your "quacks." YOU are the consumer, so you've got to find someone you can trust or comes recommended. My husband injured his hand somehow (he felt something "pop" when he tried to pick up his laptop). He went to...
  12. BreckGirl

    Cardio Coach Instrumentals!!!!!!

    4 and 7 are my faves too! :cool:
  13. BreckGirl

    Severe Chronic Constipation-Cant Go!

  14. BreckGirl

    Housewives of NY

    OMG Amy, that Gawker recap is HYSTERCIAL! Thanks for the link!
  15. BreckGirl

    Housewives of NY

    Popping in to say I agree that Kelly is a... piece of work. I was physically exhausted after watching. (HI KRISTI!!! - love your sig line, BTW - missing you, too)
  16. BreckGirl

    Meso 2 Disc 23

    Awesome! Thanks so much - you all are on the ball! (probably a stability ball, right?)
  17. BreckGirl

    Meso 2 Disc 23

    On the workout card, the Leg Press is left out on the second round in the first tri-set. Thanks!
  18. BreckGirl

    What happens second time around on STS?

    I agree - we'll probably do another round of 1RM testing. Won't that be cool to see how much stronger we are??? :eek: I'm with you though - now that I've done a few workouts, I'm kinda sad I won't see those again for another 3 months! After I finished those workouts, I could see how I'd like...
  19. BreckGirl

    To stay or not to stay...

    Thanks for the response! During my 1RM testing I didn't always go to failure, per se - but when my form started to suffer, I stopped. I may try to 1RM my biceps again. The shoulders and chest were pretty dead on, I think - I was huffin' for those during Disc 1. I must have done someting...
  20. BreckGirl

    How to get the STS dvds out of box without damage them

    I found that holding my L hand underneath the page to offer counter-support as my R hand pops it out (of the second page) was super-easy. Maybe that will help some?