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    If I were training Oprah.....

    I think Oprah is lifting weights now and I'm glad to see that. They have a link on her website and they show her squatting 45 lb. plates. I think she even had a show promoting weight lifting. Yeah!
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    Help....need objective opinion re: the evil scale!

    Donna-Are you able to try different brands of birth control? I haven't experienced weight gain, but I know certain pills make my skin break out more. Sorry I wasn't much help.
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    Fear of gaining weight if increased protein intake????

    I didn't experience that, but when I tried increasing my protein intake I naturally decreased my carb intake. People will have different opinions on this, but I believe calorie intake is important to consider overall if you are trying to attain fat loss or weight loss.
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    Question about Cardio Kicks

    Thanks for answering! Yes, I just recently added CK to my routine. I do it sporadically hence the DOMS. I was hoping it would get better - although I don't mind the pain. Now I know not to schedule and upper body workout the day after CK until my body adjusts. Thanks again. :D
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    Cathe, please, change your music!

    RE: Cathe, please DON'T change your music! I like the music in all her videos, but I LOVE the musci from the Intensity Series!!!
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    Height and Weight? Personal, I know........

    I am 33, 5'3" and my weight fluctuates between 105-110 lbs. I can wear sizes 1-3 depending on the manufacturer. My diet sucks (working on that) and I exercise about 4 days a week. I like to workout 6 days, but sometimes I get too busy.
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    Question about Cardio Kicks

    For those of you that use Cardio Kicks at least once a week - do you experience DOMS in your upper back? I don't normally use CK, and oh gawd is my back on fire!!! }( I love the workout and I am wondering if I should just accept the fact that my upper body will be crippled for a couple...
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    diet coke, coffee, and dark chocolate reese's peanut butter cups :o
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    Most challenging Cathe moves?

    The most challenging cardio move is the terminator thrusts in BC. And I absolutely abhor low-ends (lunges or squats). I know they are good for me though. }(
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    what are your suggestions!!!

    Hi Jodi, Interval training can be done on the treadmill or any piece of cardio equipment. You vary your intensity in cycles. For example, 2 min. you can walk briskly, then 2 min. jog, then 2 min. of walking again to recover. Repeat. You want to tax your system to work a little harder for a...
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    Hi Sarah, I started taking birth control and it has definitely improved my skin. I had the same kind of acne you do, but just on my face. Ortho-tricyclen works wonders for my skin. I hardly get any acne. And if I do, it's just a small one that heals up in a day. Yeah! I wish I had knew...
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    what are your suggestions!!!

    Hi Jodi-Are you currently lifting weights? That will definitely speed up your fat loss. Even if you are doing cardio, each year we naturally lose small amounts of muscle mass. Even if you eat the same amount of food you did 5 years ago, the lost muscle mass will slow your metabolism. And...
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    Less Cardio/More weights = ??

    Hi Nicole :) If you do too much cardio, you can compromise your muscular gains. If you must do cardio every day, I think HIIT cardio (intervals) would be a better choice with a maximum time of 20 minutes. HIIT cardio is almost like sprints which work the muscles in your legs. It's also...
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    Balance Gold Energy Bar

    Hi - I just tried the Detour Bar by Designer Whey. It is delicious!!! It's like a snickers. It has 30 grams of protein in it. I can't believe a protein bar tastes that good. I also like balance bars, too. Yum!
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    Muscle Endurance

    Hi there :) I've used that pre-mix, too. Isn't it great? It made me sore for days. The pre-mixes are awesome. I also like C&W cardio only premix and the cardio only from Boot Camp. Cathe is top-notch when it comes to dvd chaptering. I feel spoiled!
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    I love bootcamp!

    I love Boot Camp - even though it has made me sick to my stomach a couple times. (I ate right before working out - a big DON'T!) Well today I got brave and did the premix of BC cardio portions. :o That was an interesting out-of-body experience. lol! I actually enjoyed it and the time flew...
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    Rotation after CTX

    Maybe you could try the PS series and do cardio on the days in between. I like the PS series a lot. I've also tryied a rotation where I did a Firm (sculpting) or Fitprime video on MWF and Cathe cardio on TR. I got nice results with that one. And I didn't get bored since the workouts where...
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    Leaner Legs question

    wutheri-About endurance workouts...I can only speak from experience, but when my sister and I used to do the exact same workout - lift heavy and low reps - her legs got humongous!! They looked great - nice muscle definition and lean, but she did not like that look. She switched her leg...
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    Leaner Legs question

    Katia - did you use any weights the first time? I know doing that video with weights would definitely make it harder. If you felt the pain while doing the video then you got a good workout. Another thing I noticed with myself - sometimes I will use lighter weights, but I will really...
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    Leaner Legs question

    Hi Katia :) Did you do LL yet? It's a great workout, but it is oh so tough! My legs got a lot leaner and smaller from doing LL. If you tend to bulk up, an endurance workout will make your legs get smaller, not larger. And LL is definitely an endurance workout.