Most challenging Cathe moves?


:-( What are your most challenging Cathe moves? Regarding cardio moves, the toughest for me is the tuck jump ( I can not tuck my knees up very high). For strength training, it would have to be the inverted V pike(I guess I just do not have enough strength to pull my butt up)x(
I don't really have any challenging Cathe moves for cardio since I don't do alot of Cathe cardio. As far as strenght trainning, I have never done the inverted V pike (I don't have that tape, but I hear it is quite difficult), but I HATE the low end lunges and squats in Power Hour. When I am done, my legs cramp right up. I get so mad a Cathe when she says "low end"...even though I know that they are comming. I hate them, hate them, hate them. I have noticed though that since I have been doing them for about 2 months now, that my legs don't freak out so much when I am done with them and I can complete the reps that she does. When I first got the tape, I could only do about 1/2 before I couldn't feel my leg anymore. I am seeing improvement, I just wish there was another way besides......low end!!!!!!!

I would say my most challenging moves would have to be the VPike on the stability ball....I can't even do one full one yet. I have worked up to the planks on the stability ball and I couldn't do that when I first started doing PUB. I also think any low end move with the squats and especially with the static lunges are super tough! Static lunges still tend to be difficult for me and I always have to lower my weight more than I think I'm going to have to. On the static lunges in ME the leg in front starts wobbling at the end! I find the glute raises to be quite challenging from ME. Also, from PLB the side leg lifts on the stability ball...the first leg is hard, but by the time I get to the second leg it is SOOOO hard. I can do it all now, but it still hurts! I love every Cathe workout I own! Pain is a good thing right?!}(
The most challenging cardio move is the terminator thrusts in BC. And I absolutely abhor low-ends (lunges or squats). I know they are good for me though. }(
The toughest cardio move I find to be the "power scissors" in IMAX. I hate them but force myself to push through them anyway!
The toughest strength move would be the inverted pikes on the ball(PUB). I keep trying(and failing)to do these. I usually can do 1 or 2 if I'm lucky. Just keep pushin' I guess! Susan
Another one here, who has a hard time with the V-pikes and the tuck jumps.

I got a good tip from someone(can't remember who), for the terminators in Bootcamp. Instead of putting your hands down to the ground, just bring them down on the step and it make them alot easier on the back and wrists.
I can complete everything she does except all of the tricep dips in Bootcamp! That is the one thing I just have to stop, take a breather and finish the rest. My triceps are killing me during this one. Also, the tricep dips with the 35 lb barbell on their laps in the PS series. Ugh!

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