Leaner Legs question


I'm doing LL today for the 1st time. I tend to bulk up easaly in the legs. To avoid bulking up... should I used #5 weights (the most I can lift for the amount of reps Cathe usually does for leg work), or should I do the workout without weights?
BTW... I've never done leg work before.

If you have never done leg work before, I would suggest doing LL without weights(so you can walk the next day). You will definitely still get a killer workout. If you are not especially sore the next day then I would add the weights the next workout. Good Luck!
Hi Katia!

I think that you should probably try the workout without weights. Once you get into and you feel that you need a bit more of a challenge you can grab the 5's for a set then go back to no weights. Do you have any 3's? Maybe you could use them. The first I used Leaner Legs I think I used a 15 lb. barbell and 10 and 8 lb. dumbbells. Just do what you can!

Good luck!
If you have not done leg work before, how can you be sure that you bulk up easily in the legs? Leaner Legs is a high rep, low weight endurance workout, and I don't think you should worry about your legs getting larger. If anything, they will probably get smaller.

This a very advanced workout, and I would hesitate to do this tape as a first leg workout. Maybe do the entire thing with NO weight at first, just because it is VERY intense.
LOL! Honeybunch! Yes, Leaner Legs is in my opinion the most intense work out I own! I also agree that this one isn't likely to bulk you up. Definitely do it the first time without weights.

It's funny that we're discussing this tape today because I did it last night. What a super workout!!!!

I love when Cathe says during the ab work "I caught myself cheating! Shame on me!"
WOW... now I'm scared.
The way I know I bulk up in legs is because after I started stepping my short legs got slightly bigger (but then again, I could be wrong). But if LL can make them thinner that would be great.
I don't have a barbell but have some 2 lbs dumbells, so I'll eather use those or no weights.
Thanks guy:)
Hi Katia :)

Did you do LL yet? It's a great workout, but it is oh so tough! My legs got a lot leaner and smaller from doing LL. If you tend to bulk up, an endurance workout will make your legs get smaller, not larger. And LL is definitely an endurance workout.
How interesting! WHY do endurance workouts make your legs smaller, not larger? Is it true of the other muscles, as well? What happens to your muscles if you rotate Slow and Heavy, for example, with endurance workouts (interspersed with cardio, of course)?
I did LL last Wednesday and for some reason was not that sore. Just a little in the butt and calfs. Is that normal? I could hardly do all the lounges so I know I fatigued the muscle. Am I doing something wrong? It seems like I'm more sore after IMax2.
Katia - did you use any weights the first time? I know doing that video with weights would definitely make it harder. If you felt the pain while doing the video then you got a good workout. Another thing I noticed with myself - sometimes I will use lighter weights, but I will really concentrate on going low on the low-ends, etc . . . working 110% on every rep. Boy, do I feel it the next day. Sometimes I will not feel muscle soreness either, but I know the video is working from how my legs look more lean and cut. Those lunges are hard, aren't they? :eek:
wutheri-About endurance workouts...I can only speak from experience, but when my sister and I used to do the exact same workout - lift heavy and low reps - her legs got humongous!! They looked great - nice muscle definition and lean, but she did not like that look.

She switched her leg routine to lifting 50%-60% of her max weight and did reps in the range of 15-20. They got a lot smaller, but stayed lean and cut. I think a lot of that has to do with genetics, too. I can lift heavy all the time, but I will never put on muscle like that. I wish I could. Funny how two people can do the same workout, but get very different results. I think Katia mentioned that she tends to build muscle easily in her legs like my sister so that's why I mentioned the endurance workout. I have also read from other fitness competitors that some of them tend to do higher reps and lower weights for their legs since they grow muscle easily in their legs.

I don't know about Slow and Heavy rotation. I have never done one. I think Cathe said that series is made to make you stronger.

I've read it is good to switch between endurance and strenght workouts so you don't hit any plateaus. I usually lift heavy because I like pain. }( I like to feel the muscle soreness.


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