Search results

  1. T

    Do you follow a rotation or decide day by day?

    I used to go day by day, but realized I will not do enough cardio, weight lifting, etc ... Now I choose a four week rotation from the ones Cathe has posted, and that has worked out great. I tend to skip workouts and slack off in one area or another if I don't have a set schedule. You could...
  2. T

    Longer Workouts

    IIRC the SPJ/Step Blast DVD has some premixes that are at least 70 minutes long, if not longer.
  3. T

    Plantar Fasciitis Flare-up

    I've had this problem in the past. I had to take a break from doing my step workouts for about 1.5 weeks. I used an exercise bike until it felt better. I iced my foot and made sure to stretch my calves every day. I read online that PF can be aggravated by tight calves. Since my foot has...
  4. T

    Obsessive exercise article

    So I take it that people who watch television more than an hour a day is obssessed? LOL I bet they would get some resistance to an article like that. I like working out 1-1.5 hours day. I'm glad I'm fit. Geez you'd think they would praise people for working out considering so many people are...
  5. T

    What do you think of GS Legs?

    I disagree with the poster on VF. I think it's a great workout. I suppose it could be easy if you use really light weights. I would get the workout for the floorwork alone. It is excellent imo.
  6. T

    Opinion of Supersets/Push Pull DVD

    I like this DVD especially for it's premixes. I love the leg blast on Supersets. It's only 30 min. long, but you will feel it.
  7. T

    Kickbox cardio

    Does anyone else feel crippled in the upper back after doing this workout? I did this workout on Friday, and I still have major DOMS in my upper back today. I love this workout. Obviously it's a good workout for the upper back. }(
  8. T

    What is better for loosing weight (RO0

    Diane - I've recently tried alternating upper and lower body every other day, and that seems to be working great. So I end up working out my upper body and lower body twice a week. I've noticed that my abs, glutes, and legs have really tightened up. I will admit my cardio is lacking. I have...
  9. T

    High Step Leg Circuit Mish-Moshes

    I am going to try one of these MM's tomorrow!!! Can't wait!! LOL Why am I excited about torturing myself?
  10. T

    High Step Leg Circuit Mish-Moshes

    Nice! I can't wait to try some of these. I love the BC and HST leg/cardio premixes. Never thought to do each one back to back. Have you tried any of these?
  11. T

    Another day without an update?

    Ruth - great post! We will get our dvd's and updates when they have time. I don't care how long it takes. I know I will like the end-product. Like many other posters have stated, this is precisely why we get so little updates. Cathe and her crew have a life, too. And with the holidays...
  12. T

    Diet plan to get weight moving down again??

    I do the zig zag approach. It really works! I try to eat healthy 85% of the time, and drink lots of water. I eat mostly yogurts, fruits, fresh veggies, salads, peanut butter, eggs, beans, rice, etc...I am not a big meat eater, so I usually like to eat soy products for some extra protein.
  13. T

    Best tasting fat free plain yogurt?

    What I like to use is Yoplait Fat Free Vanilla Yogurt and eat it with fresh cut fruit. I like to use dstrawberries, kiwis and bananas. You can throw in a few chocolate chips for a little extra flavor. I usually buy the big tubs with 4 servings because I eat a lot of yogurt.
  14. T

    Back to school season is batty

    are you required to buy the $100 calculator? i can't believe how expensive those things are. i went to target yesterday and it was already getting a little crazy in there.
  15. T

    A.M. workouts - easy?? tough??

    when i workout early, i have no problem doing my workouts as far as energy is concerned. i am still able to do workouts like bootcamp, imax, etc . . . as i would later in the day. in fact, i don't feel the pain as much. does that make sense? i think i am not fully awake to realize the...
  16. T

    If you could visit anywhere in the world?

    i would go to ireland. my family originated from there.
  17. T

    Anyone have enlarged pores??

    i use clinique's pore minimizer. it's wonderful. i think it has good reviews on in addition, it keeps the skin matte for hours. i don't get shiny anymore. i love it!
  18. T

    Sweetening oatmeal

    i like to mix mine with a banana, raisins, walnuts, and/or craisins.
  19. T

    Working out 6x's a week vs. 5x's??

    i love bryan kest's power yoga vol. 1-3. i always feel great after doing one. it's a good combination of stretching and strength in one workout. some of the poses i had to work up to, but the workouts are very easily modified.
  20. T

    What are your favs from the Body Blast series??

    here's another vote for pp/ss. i like using the leg premix! like shilo, i had extremely sore legs after doing that one. it packs a lot of punch for a 33 min. workout. my other faves are spj and stepblast. i like to do just spj step and then add on the hi/lo. that's a fun workout. and...