A.M. workouts - easy?? tough??


Hey everybody:

I've been extremely motivated with all of your early morning workout posts, but I have one question???? I would have to workout by 5am at the latest to get in a good workout and my body isn't quite ready for action that early. So, I'm curious????

Do you go hard at it and put in MIC or Bootcamp??? Or CTX series??? Or something that you've done so many times that you could do it in your sleep? (Now, that's a concept, huh?)

I know that I will start out slow and do whatever I can and I'm sure each morning will be different, but I'm just curious as to how much energy you can find so early. :)

Take care, Marcia :)
I make sure i am up at least an hour before and eat a high protein breakfast..that helps a lot...used to go on empty stomach and still half asleep..didnt work well, the other way, I can go all out}(
when i workout early, i have no problem doing my workouts as far as energy is concerned. i am still able to do workouts like bootcamp, imax, etc . . . as i would later in the day. in fact, i don't feel the pain as much. does that make sense? i think i am not fully awake to realize the torture i'm putting my body through. i usually don't eat anything. i just drink water.
I know that alot of people here workout early and can do so effectively. Some people can't and I am one of those people. My strength, coordination and flexibility in the morning hours are a fraction ( avery small fraction) of what they are in the PM and so I always workout in the PM. I even feel ill if I workout in the AM. Listen to your body and workout at the time of day that is best for you.
Most of the time I have no problems working out in the morning even after on the nights when I seem to get no sleep!

Like tsut I don't seem to realise the pain of, say, IMAX2 first thing in the morning - I don't think my brain is able to register it properly at that time.

As far as weight training goes this seems to flow a lot better first thing in the morning than in the evening.

I only take water and don't breakfast until after I'm done.

Try doing just a 30 minute w/o (or Cathe's beginner/intermediate workouts) for a few weeks until you're used to the idea then start challenging yourself if and when you feel up to it.
As long as I get a good nights sleep, I can do IMAX2, Boot Camp, Slow & Heavy, etc. (i.e. all the intense workouts) at 4:30 a.m. I don't always feel great during the warm up, but by the time the actual workout starts, I'm good to go. I never eat before hand at that hour; I think it would make me sick. I have to admit, though, that it took a couple months to get into the groove with the early morning workouts. Now it's my favorite time to workout.
I did Imax twice this week, both times @ 5:30 a.m. and both times dding 8-16 reps to the end of each interval and fast forwarding through half the recoveries. The secret for me is, eat a little something before hand (or drink some juice) which will raise the core temperature and always do a long, thorough warm up. I have worked out at 5:30 a.m. for 2 years now and wouldn't want it any other way!
I don't eat anything before I work out. I get up at 5:55 and head down to my basement to workout for an hour. One thing that helps me is to have my workout planned before before I go to bed the night before. This helps me to be mentally prepared for the workout when I wake up. Then, when I wake up I am ready to go - and as far as intensity goes - I go for it 100%! I just make sure I drink plenty of water during recovery times and after the workout.
Then after I workout, I take a shower and get ready for work then have a bowl of a high fiber cereal and generally a midmorning snack - lately it has been chocolate soy milk - YUM:9

I just have to work out in the morning otherwise I will find 1000 different reasons to not do it later. Besides, once I got in the habit, it was a breeze. Also, working out in the morning makes me feel like I've done something before the rest of the world wakes up and I feel one step ahead of the game!:)
I work out at 4:15am when I can wake up. I get up at 4 so no time to eat and digest food first. I just dress, feed the dog, and grab some water. But intesity varies from morning to morning. I pick out 2 or 3 possible workouts and then finalize which one depending on how I feel. It helps if you are naturally a morning person. But it is a great feeling to have that workout in before you get into the day.
I'm with Cathy and Nancy. I tried it for a year. I had no energy and my heart rate would sky rocket. Then I would have no energy left for the day. This is surprising considering I'm a morning person. But I resorted to later evening workouts. I still do a couple times per week. I'm fortunate to be able to workout mid morning. You'll figure out what works best.
It all depends on how I'm feeling--the toughest if I'm well rested & the easiest (like the first 30 minutes of Rhythmic Step) if I'm not. I play it by ear.
I like paying my "dues" per say in the morning and being done with it..it is quite liberating to know that the hardest part of your day is done and accounted for. Just my opinion:D
The only hard part is getting out of bed! After I'm up, I don't care anymore. I just start...as the workout gets more intense, my body just seems to naturally respond and wake up more.

I too plan my workouts ahead of time...trying to pick one in the AM would be horrifying to me!

The only real problem I have is that there is never enough time after my post-workout shower for my hair to dry! I walk around with wet hair most of the time. My friends at work think I'm looney, & they should know!

Seriously, I am NOT a morning person but if you just start...then you just continue...then it's done! Hurrah!:D
I dont do morning either..I think garfield used to say that?? But like above poster once you start going the bod just wakes up..I think you can tend to talk yourself out of working out if done later in the day( too busy, my back hurts,etc...list goes on and on

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