Working out 6x's a week vs. 5x's??


How many of you have went from 5x's a week to 6x's. Does it make a big difference. Right now I am doing 5x's a week (3hours weight/2hoursof cardio in a week). I am just not happy with my progress, the problem is by the end of my workout week, i am spent. I know that cleaning up my eating has got to start NOW. All the cute fall clothes are coming out and I want to look smokin' in those low cut jeans, got a least 15pounds to go. So did you see a difference by adding another day, I'll do it if need be.
Depending on how "unclean" :) your eating is, IMHO you would make HUGE progress by cleaning up your eating, rather than adding another day of working out...or both I guess! I have upped my w/os from about 4x a week to 6x a week (for an hour or less per day) and I am getting good results, it has only been about 3 weeks...but last year I dropped 20 lbs from just clean eating/calorie control alone, and not a lot of working out. So that is my perspective. And my eating wasn't that bad....but it was the little things here and there that were adding up. Eating is huge.

If you are already "spent" at the end of your workout week, adding another day may actually impede your progress even more by using up your energy and taking away even more of your recovery time. For strength workouts especially, it's important to have rest and recovery.

I currently workout 6-7 days a week, but one of those days is yoga (strength, flexibility and balance work) and another is stretch. When I feel like I need a break, I take a day off, or add another stretch day.

What type of weight work do you do? If they are full-body workouts, you might want to consider a split workout instead. I'm doing P90X, and it is a three-day split (like PS or Slow and heavy). I do each workout only once a week, and it's enough for good progress. Yoga also works as a mild strength workout as well.

Another idea is to do 2 days of weights per week (full body workouts, with 2-3 days in between, and add an extra cardio day iin place of the third weight workout.

Whatever you decide, really put as much intensity as you can into the weight work, and get enough rest and sleep and good nutrition to repair and build muscle (which will help burn calories).
hi there - unfortunately for me, i have to clean up my eating to see results. i currently workout 5 days a week, but am very strict about my diet. that seems to make a big difference. i am also doing the intensity rotation in 5 days (by doing 2 workouts one dday) as opposed to 6 days, and i am still seeing good results. i have already lost 2 lbs. i am pretty much at goal weight and am just trying to add more muscle and lower my bodyfat. i think in my situation, that calories in - calories out is what makes a difference in my case. everyone is different though.
I wouldnt say I eat totally unclean, but I do have a few "naughties" here and there. I know in the past i really have to restrict calories to see results,(even when working out 5x's aweek). Its just when I restrict that far, I feel bad, I shake, I sweat. I just dont wanna make my body suffer more than it has to. I have fibromyliga, neurological problems that seem to take intensity when I diet hard..but like the above poster says..calories in calories out..Too bad bustin your butt working out is not enough. I think I will stick to 5x's a week cuz I think it would put me in the negative energy wise...and start cleaning the ol' diet some more. It drives me crazy my hubby is like 6'6 and eats like a horse, never has worked out a day in his life..yet he's muscular and thin...uuggggghhhhx(
hi groundhog - if you did want to add an extra day in - have you thought about walking? walking is so low-impact, but can burn tons of calories. i used to walk everyday on my lunch hour because it was such a nice stress reliever. or you could always try adding something different like yoga or pilates. i love cathe, but sometimes my body can't take 6 days of knee-jarring workouts. LOL!
yeah..maybe I walk with the kiddies on a saturday morning..good idea..I am not much on pilates (find it boring)..maybe yoga?? Got me thinking...At least with the yoga I can stretch out the fatigue of the week:7
i love bryan kest's power yoga vol. 1-3. i always feel great after doing one. it's a good combination of stretching and strength in one workout. some of the poses i had to work up to, but the workouts are very easily modified.

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