Search results

  1. D

    Best rotation: Nov 06 or Nov 07?

    Hello, Does anyone remember the results any of these two rotations brought you? November 06 was when Cathe introduced the series with Bodymax 2, Butts and Guts, LIC and Drillmax. November 07 is when the 4 day split was introduced. I'm trying to decide which rotation to use this month, and...
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    Which one works best: Last series or the one before?

    Hi there! I'm about to get married!! Exactly 4 weeks from yesterday, May 31st. And I've reached my goal weight! The only thing is that I would still like a bit more muscle definition in arms, legs and particularly abs. I have the two last series in their entirety: BG-BM2-DM-LIC and the 4...
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    Zone diet and Cathe's videos

    Thanks for your recomendations! I think I will be adding in some strength workout before it's too late. Actually, the zone diet is the one that carefully helps you balance the amount of protein, carbs and healthy fats into every meal, and keeps you eating between 5 and 6 times a day... so...
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    Zone diet and Cathe's videos

    Hi, I have a question for Catheites like you guys... I'm getting married in just a couple of months (yay!!!), and although I've lowered my weight and are very close to my goal (just 5 pounds away! almost there! Goal: about 105 pounds, being 5'2"), I was suggested not to get into any strenght...
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    Question about shipping address

    Hi SNM... I want to purchase STS before prices go up... But right now I'm in the middle of moving somewhere else, I don't know where. So, most likely, by the time the DVDs are ready to ship, I won't have the same address I have now. The problem is that I don't have the new address as of...
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    Need support!

    Thanks for your great wishes and ideas, everybody. I believe you can easily drown in a glass of water if you lose your focus, so it's just probably a matter of focusing on small goals I can reach, and take it from there. For starters, I have set some time tonight to do Butts and Guts and...
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    Need support!

    Hi all, I come here because I know the crowd is great for support. I am feeling very sad lately. Since I left college (over two years ago), I have gained weight little by little, so today I weigh 12 pounds over what I had always weighed. This saddens me, particularly because I'm about to get...
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    A close relative is a cutter

    Thanks ladies... I'm thinking professional help would probably be better... I didn't want to make a big fuss yet... but better safe than sorry, right? It's probably the best way to go before things get our of hands. thanks for your words... regards.
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    A close relative is a cutter

    Hi, I come here today with a very delicate subject: cutting. A very close relative, girl around 15 years old, has been practicing the act of cutting herself. Not so deep that it would risk her life, yet I don't think this can ever be taking lightly. Twice in her life so far, when she has...
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    Shipping Update! - October 16th

    Hi guys! Thanks for the updates! And sorry to bother you, but I still have a question... If I ordered on the very first day of the presale (around noon)... Should I have received my shipping notification by now? I'm getting anxious because many people have received theirs, and I don't know...
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    SNM: Presale orders...???

    Hi guys, I just went into my account at to see if I could review the status of my order, since I ordered on the very first presale day and I'm anxious!!!... So I go in, check the Review orders / track packages option, and my order doesn't come up... I modified to search up to 12...
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    Question on presale purchasers

    Hi Cathe, SNM, I was wondering if you were planning on offering something special ...cough * freebie * cough... to your loyal fans who bought the 4 day split during presale. It's not like the videos are not enough, but since this is my very first presale purchase, I was wondering if there...
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    SNM: Will Cathe Catalog be updated with 4 day split?

    Hi, I was just wondering... Since you say the catalog now comes with every order, US or international: "All orders (USA and International) shipped on or after 5-1-07 will automatically receive our new Cathe catalog." Blog 4/30/07... Will the catalog be updated with the 4 day split info by...
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    Gym Styles + MM vs. Whole Hardcore series

    Thanks everyone, All of your comments are very helpful... What I'm thinking is that I might purchase half of the Hardcore and the whole Intensity. That way, I end up spending around $300, but get DVDs from both series (since I was going to purchase the Intensity series anyway). Coremax and...
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    Gym Styles + MM vs. Whole Hardcore series

    Hi there! I have a question for the most educated crowd I've ever met on a forum :-) I plan on getting the 3 Gym Style DVDs and I'm much interested in getting Muscle Max as well. This represents practically half of the Hardcore series. So, I'm hesitant... Should I buy the whole Hardcore...
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    If stranded on a desert island...

    Hi guys! I have a fun question (inspired by jazz in this forum): If you were stranded on a desert island, which Cathe DVD would you take with you (considering it comes with all necessary equipment)? And if you had a chance to take a whole series, which one would you pick? My choices...
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    SNM: iPod question

    Mhh... One more question... I already own a shuffle (1GB). Is this going to be good at all? Or should I start saving for a bigger one? :D It's so exciting to know we will be soon experiencing a whole new way of excercising! Thanks!
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    Building library... Opinons wanted!!

    Thanks for your comments, A-Jock... I'll definitely consider adding more from the Hardcore collection, rather than from Body Blast series, and see how I do. It'll definitely be more interesting, as I haven't seen these workouts ever, while the Body Blast I'm somewhat familiar with already...
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    Building library... Opinons wanted!!

    Thanks Annette! Well then, a bit about myself... I started working out with Cathe circa 2005, with FitTV shows while I was in college, practicing tennis, running, spinning, pilates and other stuff at the school gym at the same time. Since I finished up school (1.5 years ago) and started...
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    question on circuit vs cross training

    Well, I'm not really sure, and I'm saying this based on the experience I've had with the videos I have but I think the main difference is the rotation of the excercises... Circuit feels to me like: step, blast, weights, step, blast, weights, step, blast, weights... one right after the other...