Building library... Opinons wanted!!


Active Member
Hi Catheites,

I'm building my Cathe videos library, and I'm sure you all have great opinons and experiences with most Cathe videos. The following list represents DVDs I already have, the ones I plan on buying in the near future, or have taped from FitTV. I would like to hear your opinon on which DVD I should add to this list, that you think is a must-have, or which one is not really necessary in one's library... Here it goes, any opinion is much appreciated:

Latest series - whole (BM2, LIC, DM, BG)
4-day split (preordered)

Will purchase:
Intensity series - whole (BC, ME, IM2, CW, PLB, PUB)
Body Blast - only two (PP-SS, LG-KPC)
Hardcore - only two (MM, GS legs)

Have taped from FitTV:
Power Hour
Slow n Heavy (LS, BT, CB)
Rhythmic Step

Which DVD do you think I might be missing in order to get the most complete workout, or do as many rotations as possible?? Or if you think the TV version of the ones I've taped is much lighter than the real deal, I'd love to hear it, to consider purchasing it instead.

I'd love to hear your input... Keeps me motivated!!!

Thanks everyone! :D
Before anyone can offer suggestions, it might help to have a thumbnail sketch of your exercise history, current workout schedule, goals and likes/dislikes re cardio formats. If your in the intensity country that enables you to do Cathe's most recent releases, I'd suggest (at this time) omitting the Body Blast workouts and getting the Hard Core's Muscle Max, GS Legs AND the other Gym Styles for a complete split-set training program. I applaud your decision to get the Intensity Series in its entirety.

As far as FitTV vs. the original DVDs - well, others might bash me but IMHO there's no comparison between the FitTV versions and the real deal. Whatever you like about each of the routines you've recorded from FitTV, be prepared to like cubed when (not if!) you get the actual DVDs. No commercials, no omitted footage, better flow, better workout experience.

Get the DVDs.


Thanks Annette!

Well then, a bit about myself... I started working out with Cathe circa 2005, with FitTV shows while I was in college, practicing tennis, running, spinning, pilates and other stuff at the school gym at the same time. Since I finished up school (1.5 years ago) and started working, my fitness level has been slowly diminishing, but still can manage to do any of the DVDs from the latest series in its entirety.

I'm currently age 24, 5.08 ft tall, and around 120 lbs. I consider myself fit enough to wear small clothing sizes, but not enough to wear a bathing suit without feeling body conscious. I would like to go 10 lbs lighter, just as I used to be while in college, and improve my stamina and resistance.

I enjoy advanced workouts, complex step coreography, but find myself happier the days I do strenght training than when I do cardio. I'm currently sticking to the Nov 06 rotation, using the latest series, adding some of the premixes every once in a while.

Do you feel the body blast series might be too bland compared to the gym style workouts, or the latest series? Which DVDs from the hardcode workouts would you recommend, besides GS legs and muscle max?

And regarding your comments about FitTV's versions vs. the original DVDs, I completely agree. In fact, I believe I will eventually end up getting them all... It's just a matter of which ones I order first...

Thanks so much! :)
Hi, Danglinglight! Given your athletic profile past and present, I do think Body Blast might be a little more moderate for you than you can derive benefit from. (Please forgive the 7,872 grammatical felonies committed in that last sentenc.) (e). (.)

As I mentioned above, I think the other two GS DVDs from the Hard Core Series, which target the upper body muscles, would be great for especially given that you are really happy on your strength days. In fact, given your athletic history as you've described it, I think the whole Hard Core Series might be a good option for you for cardio and muscle conditioning. You certainly don't have to get the whole hog at once (although you'd save on shipping if you did), but I think it would be a great addition to your library. The formats are very, very contemporary no matter what the format or training goal.

Regarding scale-weight loss and sizing issues, I'm afraid I'm not much help there. Personally I think the value of scale weight is grossly overstated from a health or informational perspective, and it's far more of an emotional number than a health-indicative one. Especially for people who value strength training and muscle mass buildiing. (oops - sentence fragment) (oops - 2nd sentence fragment) I also don't know that going down a few pounds or any other physical change wrought be a sound exercise program is, in and of itself, going to cure a body-consciousness issue; that is an internal issue and an emotional one rather than an objective one.

I suggest you let go of the bikini and bathroom scale stuff for awhile and focus on increasing your strength, increasing the intensity of your cardiovascular work, and increasing your Cathe library. The emotional results will follow along with the physical ones.

Thanks for your comments, A-Jock...

I'll definitely consider adding more from the Hardcore collection, rather than from Body Blast series, and see how I do. It'll definitely be more interesting, as I haven't seen these workouts ever, while the Body Blast I'm somewhat familiar with already.

Thanks again!

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