Search results

  1. S

    anyone results from Get Ready for Summer Rotation?

    I'm trying to decide on a new rotation for June. Tough, tough, tough! Don't know whether to try the updated Fat Loss and Definition or the Get Ready for Summer (by fitfanatic i think) which looks really good. I'm 5'10, 6 mos postpardum, and have lost 69 pounds since DS was born. (Mostly due...
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    BodyBlast Rotation or July 03 Fat Loss & Definition?

    Hi Yvonne, Sorry it took so long to reply -- busy week. I started following the South Beach diet plan about a month and half ago, and it really has made a difference, and helped to give me the discipline I need. There are a bunch of ways to skin a cat, in terms of eating healthy, and what...
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    good sub for Circuit Max?

    thanks to you both. i happen to have all of these... (geesh, the collection is growing in spite of myself) :) anywho, at first i thought maybe i should sub Power Circuit from CTX (which i own, but have never done); i'm not sure, but based on what i read, that may be just as easy or easier...
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    good sub for Circuit Max?

    what are some of the best workouts to sub for this?
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    BodyBlast Rotation or July 03 Fat Loss & Definition?

    RE: BodyBlast Rotation or July 03 Fat Loss & Definition... gogigi, what's TLT? and i finally have to ask this... although i get the gist of what it means, i never knew what it stood for -- DOMS! anyone wanna help me out?? :)
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    BodyBlast Rotation or July 03 Fat Loss & Definition?

    RE: BodyBlast Rotation or July 03 Fat Loss & Definition... yep katrina, it does help. i am going to try to stay as strict to this one as possible though. i think i may sub L&G for LL, and maybe switch a cardio wkout here and there, but i don't think i've ever stayed true to a rotation for the...
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    BodyBlast Rotation or July 03 Fat Loss & Definition?

    anyone out there have an opinion on which of these rotations has yielded better results? i am excited because i am really making progress. i've finally, finally found the discipline to eat clean, and the pounds are just melting away. i'm starting to see definition in my arms and abs... even my...
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    Cathe Compendium

    sorry to piggy back, but can you email it to me too please? [email protected] thank you!! :)
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    Legs & Glutes or Timesaver Leg wkout?

    thanks mataia. not that i needed more prodding to purchase another one :) but i appreciate your comments... i just wanted to be sure :) i'm sure my legs and glutes will appreciate it :) sass
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    Legs & Glutes or Timesaver Leg wkout?

    hey all... need advice. should i invest in L&G? I already have Leaner Legs on CTX (even though i've not been brave enough to try it yet), and i've been dragging my feet about getting L&G. It looks tough, but i'm ready to up the anti on my workout a bit. I have Timesaver, and i know a lot of...
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    South Beach Diet?

    anyone have results following this plan with Cathe's workouts? DH and i are thinking of doing SB to jump start our Spring fitness goals. cathe can you suggest a protein supplement? do you use any supplements? i'm overwhelmed by all of the choices and could use some guidance. my main goal is 40...
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    South Beach diet???

    anyone have results following this plan with Cathe's workouts? DH and i are thinking of doing SB to jump start our Spring fitness goals. cathe can you suggest a protein supplement? do you use any supplements? i'm overwhelmed by all of the choices and could use some guidance. my main goal is...
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    Cathe, your abs

    i'm a bfl fan too... just wanted to ask this thread - anyone out there have success with South Beach Diet and Cathe? dh and i are thinking of following this plan just to jumpstart our spring fitness goals... then we pretty much taper off into the BFL style of eating. Also, i am overwhelmed...
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    thanks so much for the suggestions! i will try to work out a new schedule this week... first week back to work, and between crying fits everyday getting used to my baby being in daycare, i only managed one 30 min session on treadmill this week. will try to make up some this wknd, and start...
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    Hello All, I am the proud new mom of adorable DS, born November 12th, 2005. I just started back to work, so needless to say with the exception of wknds, my workout time has been cut to 30 min, maybe 45. i've pretty much got my cardio options down in the morn, but need suggestions for...
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    timesaver #5-leg workout-anyone have probs with butt-kick/one leg squat?

    can't seem to get form right for those squats immediately after butt-kick lunges. any pointers?
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    breastfeeding and working out questions

    thanks! and congrats on the weight loss. i know it won't be easy, but i'm ready for the challenge. :)
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    breastfeeding and working out questions

    actually, i'd been a WW on and off for a couple years pre preg, but can't go to the meetings now. it'd always worked for me, til a major life change came up and i'd gain the weight back (ugh). Anyway, i'm still counting points using WW online and allowing myself some extra calories to make up...
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    breastfeeding and working out questions

    hi all... i'm 5 weeks pp and feeling great. i was very blessed and had a fairly easy (well atleast compared to some... i still remember the pain, so it's hard to use the word "easy" lol) delivery. No episoiotomy, no tears, 2 pushes and he was here. Bleeding has stopped, I feel pretty...