breastfeeding and working out questions


hi all...

i'm 5 weeks pp and feeling great. i was very blessed and had a fairly easy (well atleast compared to some... i still remember the pain, so it's hard to use the word "easy" lol) delivery. No episoiotomy, no tears, 2 pushes and he was here. Bleeding has stopped, I feel pretty normal (except for my emotions being outta wack). Anyway, I've lost all my pregnancy weight, but still have a hefty weight loss goal, since I wanted to lose about 50 lbs before I got pregnant anyway.

question is - does anyone else have similar goals that are breastfeeding? I'm planning to go on mini pill, and breastfeed for atleast another couple months, but i still would like to move forward in my weight loss efforts. Anyone have any general advice or can recommend any supplements to aid with forming lean muscle mass that won't affect the baby?
Weight Watchers has a plan build in for breastfeeding and weight loss. I've heard good things about it.
actually, i'd been a WW on and off for a couple years pre preg, but can't go to the meetings now. it'd always worked for me, til a major life change came up and i'd gain the weight back (ugh). Anyway, i'm still counting points using WW online and allowing myself some extra calories to make up for BF. wondering more about supplements and/or energy drinks that i can take while BF. Also, success stories from other nursing moms.
Well I've lost weight bfing & am postpartum myself for a second time. I've never taken energy drinks - just coffee. Eating whole foods w/ a heavy leaning on veggies will help greatly. The key is keeping sugar out of your diet, watch your dairy, and exercise consistantly. It took 6 months to lose the 40 lbs I gained the first time.

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