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  1. F

    VCRs going OT!

    For all those DVD'ers..... I think you made a good choice.... These tapes will be phenominal on DVD. You will DEFINITELY be pleased... I, OTOH, do not own a DVD player, but as I was doing the workouts I was thinking to myself, "hmmmm... in a year or so, when these tapes BREAK due to fast...
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    Videos have arrived!

    I think this deserves a GREAT BIG..... Wahhhhhhhooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cleda
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    will push ups ever get easier?

    Must Warn you..... Hey HoneyBunch.... I must warn you..... KimLav LOVES to do push ups.... She does them and does them and then does some more.... (I do enjoy the way my core has gotten stronger, but I can't say I LOVE them... I'm more in the category of "love-what-they-do-for-me"! )...
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    will push ups ever get easier?

    I am a PUSH UP WOOSE.... Hi Emma! I feel compelled to answer your push up question. Yes and no! How's that for a real decisive answer??? I am a push up woose. Which is strange, cuz my upper body looks (and is) quite strong. Push ups do WONDERFUL things for the upper body (including the...
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    A week off cardio

    OH NO.... Poor Kim! I feel sooooooo bad for you. But, you are wise in listening to the doctor's orders!!! And TRUST ME... you'll bounce back in no time. Better to let it heal properly in one week, then push it and have to be down for a month!!!! Hang in there and WORK THAT UPPER BODY...
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    what time do you work out?

    Making Mental Appointments Working out is an "appointment" with myself. I workout at different times depending on the day. I LOVE to work out early in the morning, but to get in one of my workouts, when school is in session, I must be working out BY 4:30 to 5:00 a.m. in order to finish on...
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    Almost a magic bullet -a great book!!!

    Thanx HoneyBunch..... On my endless endeavor to stay at goal and keep these silly pounds off (that I must work DAILY at), I am always looking for new material to read and digest.... (pun intended) !!!! I tend to like the Rodale Press books, but usually they are too much $$ for me! I try to...
  8. F

    Check-in dropout!

    Hmmmm... a drop out? I think not... You took a little break (which we all need!!) If I recall correctly... you have done the school thang, quit smoking and are STILL hanging in there.... so a rest period? Definitely due!!! We'll see ya tomorrow, with a GREAT check in.... Remember, it's a...
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    Changing routines

    Change is a VERY good thing! Hi Alicia.... Change is a VERY good thing! For your mind, for your body, and to keep the FUN in exercise. I try to mix things up every 6 weeks. Same as Barbara mentioned (in the previous post.....And she's a PRO! !!!).... I happen to be doing the Firm...
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    Great Group of People!!!

    A big Waaaahhhhooooooo..... To you Jennifer!!!! And Welcome to the forum.... we ARE a great bunch of people, aren't we? And we like those happy faces and winks and I am especially partial to Wahhhhhhoooooo's.... Of course, they're even worse when I'm endorphin-induced !!! We look forward...
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    This is for Cleda

    Thank you.... Elizabeth!!!! Nope..... I will never be TINY. I will never LOOK like Cathe (unless of course you chop me off at the waist... that would get rid of the pear shape bottom and the HEIGHT!!! !!!)... But, I can be in the BEST shape possible ... thanx TO Cathe (thanx Cathe!) and her...
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    This is for Cleda

    The Hare Classifications Emily: According to their list.. the following ones are for the Hare: The Hare FIRM Cardio FIRM BASICS Fat Burning Max. Cardio Power Cardio Cardio Burn (Firm Cardio I got at BJ's for $8.99), you can get Cardio Burn retail also. I think Max. Cardio is available at...
  13. F

    This is for Cleda

    PS... I was just reading your OTHER Thread also and figured I'd throw this here..... and you could read them both at once! I've been doing the ball workouts.... and they are primarily Pilates and Yoga based (or so I'm told, since I don't do either Pilates or Yoga.. that's why I call them my...
  14. F

    This is for Cleda

    Just not Enough Time for it all! Hi Emily! I just don't have enough hours in the day to exercise... that's the bottom line! Yes, I am having WONDERFUL success with the Firm Rotation and LOVING it (much to my surprise). I am INTO week #7. Before I go further.... you've probably figured...
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    VF and Firm Rotation

    Not fancy -- but I'm simple! Lynne: My DH used nails, a couple of 2x4's and some plywood. He constructed it as a box. When i'm not using it, I flip it over and store all my weights in it in the corner of the room. He's very, very handy and I just know that I called home from Home Depot (I'm...
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    VF and Firm Rotation

    You've Gotten EXCELLENT Advice here. Hey Lynne! As is to be expected, you got some REALLY good advice here! I wouldn't expect anything less. I am currently doing the Firm Rotation, although being an exercise junkie, I've thrown in some stuff in addition to it! (just cuz I want to). I am...
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    Planned workouts????????

    My Rotations Hi Renee...... I do rotations that last anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks. I wanted to see JUST what tapes or machines were doing WHAT to my body! I began this with an "MIS" rotation right before the PS Series came out, to make sure I was READY... Yeah right? I was doing MIS 3x a...
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    8 New Videos This Summer!

    Couldn't have said it better myself...... WAAAAAAAHHHHHHhhhhhhoooooooooo Thank you Cathe and Chris..... thank you, thank you, thank you....... Something to LOOK FORWARD to and they ALL look like keepers!!! I would not have expected anything less...... In case it wasn't quite clear enough...
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    muscle mass and body weight

    Those DREADED numbers....... Ok, that's the day I thought I'd be posting MY WEIGHT on the internet for the world to see!!! LOL... but actually, I'm pretty darn proud of it...... I am in that dreaded numbers game also and it plays lots of mind tricks with me. I am almost 5'9" tall and weigh...
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    New here...pre-Cathe tape ideas? :o)

    Hey Cynthia -- Welcome Aboard Cynthia: Nice to see you post!!! I think if your knees can handle the dips and lunges in The Firm, you can CERTAINLY handle a Cathe tape. DO NOT let us or VF scare you away from her! She is WONDERFUL and you can ALWAYS modify!!!! I believe somewhere on her...