will push ups ever get easier?



I dread doing push-ups because they are so hard to do! Does anyone else feel the same way?

I am a PUSH UP WOOSE....

Hi Emma!

I feel compelled to answer your push up question. Yes and no! How's that for a real decisive answer???

I am a push up woose. Which is strange, cuz my upper body looks (and is) quite strong. Push ups do WONDERFUL things for the upper body (including the abs)!!!

However: I do all my push ups from my knees. I've done big-boy push ups (those who do them on a routine basis are my idols) but I'm not comfortable doing them that way. I got good benefits from doing them on my knees (but made sure to watch my form). I may never graduate to my toes and that's OK (for me).

I was thinking they were getting pretty easy (I can see improvement) and then the evil instructor at my gym told us to do "hershey kisses" (you make your two index fingers and thumbs touch -- forming a hershey kiss) and THEN do the push ups. Oh PHOOEY!!!!! HUMBLED again and back to ground zero. Thought I was going to collapse.

So, do they ever get easier? Yes and no!!!
But, don't dread doing them. YOU WILL GET BETTER!!!

Hope you master them.
I'll be the one watching from the back of the room.... (doing my push ups on my knees...)

A big sissy when it comes to push-ups!

Just like Cleda, I usually do them on my knees(with Cathe tapes), but when I do them on my own or with my soccer team, I'm on my toes. That's because I don't do them as intensely or as many as Miss Cathe! I don't dread them, but they sure aren't my favorite thing to do
Those dreaded pushups!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-00 AT 05:49AM (EST)</font></center>

I guess it's time for a little pep talk. Think about it,no one REALLY likes pushups, but let's face it, lifting weights is not "fun" like step aerobics or Taebo. While I don't like actually "doing" pushups, I like "HAVING DONE them!" In other words, I like them AFTER I've done them! I get a great sense of accomplishment, like when I do concentration curls with a 25 lb. dumbell. You feel strong after you've done weight training. And it's a kick to see arm definition you've never seen before, and having the confidence to wear sleeveless shirts which I NEVER did before.

I get a charge out of doing the BIG BOY pushups....the most I ever did at one time without a rest was close to 50. I've gotten over the need to do that many, and hardly go over 20 or so, or whatever Cathe does in her videos.

It's all in your head, Chickies!! Pushups are not fun, but THEY DO GREAT THINGS FOR YOU!!!!!!!!
It's all a trade off...a good eating pattern yields good results, and all this exercise we do and brag about on the check-ins yields good results and results in better self confidence.

Now, drop to the floor and give me a fast 15, troops!!!
Must Warn you.....

Hey HoneyBunch....

I must warn you.....

KimLav LOVES to do push ups....
She does them and does them and then does some more....

(I do enjoy the way my core has gotten stronger, but I can't say I LOVE them... I'm more in the category of "love-what-they-do-for-me"!

25 lbs!

Wow! Honeybunch, you do concentration curls with a 25 lb dumbbell????? I am impressed.

I do either a 12-lb or a 15-lb but I don't think I'd ever be able to use a 25-lber!!!

My hat is off to you....

Dear amazing one....

I am impressed. One question though...I had heard that hand position allows you to work different muscles. Will one position work triceps more than
another muscle?
I love push-ups...

except at the end of the chest section of Bodymax after all the dumbell and barbell presses when I'm completely spent.
Pull-ups are my nemesis. I can finally do three in a row!!! Barbell curls are also difficult for me. Must be my biceps.
The tricep pushups.....

....are the ones that our original poster described as putting your hands in a "Hershey's Kiss" position. That's a really great description.
I will try to have a more positive attitude!

Honeybunch, I will think of you as I am struggling with my "sissy" knee push ups! I will think, "I will like these when I finish, I will like thise when I finish,...!"

Wish me luck!

Yes I do get a twisted sense of accomplishment

when I do at least 40 - 50 pushups at one time - 50 being my best day. Then after that, I will do sets of 10 or 15 in various hand positions until I hit 100. And I love the decline pushups in PS CST. Weird huh?

I absolutely never feel my abs hurt the next day like they do when I do my marathon pushup session. Hey, come to think of it, I have not done that for a few weeks - time for a marathon soon I guess.

But, I don't do the concentration curls with 25 lbs. - YET


Pushups do do great things for your upper body
Honeybunch, you do 5o Big Boys?

My goodness! I thought I was "bad" because I can eek out two sets of sixteen! I both love and hate them! I have a form question. Do you keep your hands parallel to you shoulders? I place mine a little foreward because I feel like I am going to fall on my face if I place them back. My sister claims it is more difficult to do them like that but I think it is easier. Does it affect which muscles are used as well as how effective the exercise is?
I was doing 100 each time for a while...

....like you do them, but I stopped because I knew I could do them, and that was enough. My new goal is to do the concentration curls with 30 lb. dumbells. This will be my kick until I get a new hobby.

triceps pushups

I am not Honeybunch but I think I can answer your question. If you place your hands inward so that the fingers face each other and are not side by side (but still in the normal hand pushup position otherwise), you will work your triceps more. I will try to explain the position a bit better here. Normally, if you look down at your hands, your fingers face forward but in the tricep pushup, your fingers would face each other.

Try these for a variation and you will feel them in your triceps.

I goofed on who posted about the "Hershey's Kiss"...

position. It was Cleda's description, and that was the tricep pushup.
Pushup positioning...

....according to the Men's Health "Peak Conditioning" book, your hands should be "face down at shoulder level."

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