Planned workouts????????



I enjoy reading everyones weekly check-in's, it sounds like a great motivater(SP?). I was wondering if everyone plans out the workouts in advance, or do you just do what ever one you feel like on that particular day? I know that some people do rotations from the Firm, but is everyone on some type of rotation? What are the benefits of it?

Planned workouts

I keep an exercise calendar and plan a week ahead what I want to do and when. That way you are making appointments with yourself, and you're more likely to work out!

I plan what type of weight training I want to do; if I want to do a step on a certain day, or walk, or whatever.

It works out very well. If you write it down and check it off, you'll take it more seriously.

My experience! Take it for what it's worth.
Hi Renee!

I really think the "planning" aspect varies according to your personality. I don't like to pre-plan my cardio workouts, part of the fun of it is the spontaneity factor -- but that's just ME, you know?

I do plan my strength training for the week, i.e., a 3-day split, or 3 total body workouts or an upper/lower body split X 2. But that's as far as I'll commit myself during the week.

One thing that is really helpful to me is a workout log, so that I can keep track of my workouts. Otherwise, I have a tendency to "forget" to work certain body parts. The log never lies -- neither do my flabby abs, darn them!

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that for some people, pre-planning makes them more consistent. For others, it makes you want to play hooky! So find what works for you and stick with it.
Funny you should ask!

Just yesterday I was doodling in some spare time at my daughter's swim meet and came up with a schedule for the next two weeks
. Later, my daughter was looking at my program (yes, the only spare paper) and said "Mom, what's this?!?"

I agree with both posts above, planning is good but it can also backfire. And I have found that a log is a must. Sometimes I do not remember one day to the next what I've done...maybe its age.

Have fun no matter what, and just planning to exercise at all is an accomplishment

My Rotations

Hi Renee......

I do rotations that last anywhere from 4 to 6 weeks. I wanted to see JUST what tapes or machines were doing WHAT to my body! I began this with an "MIS" rotation right before the PS Series came out, to make sure I was READY... Yeah right? I was doing MIS 3x a week.... And of course, the additional stuff -- I just wing it! ... but I REALLY focus on one THING for that 4 to 6 week time period. It gives me a goal, a purpose, and I know I only have to do it for 4 to 6 weeks. I've done it with running, with step, with hi/lo, with strength, with machines (stairmonster/Ellipse rotation), abs, raised my endurance level, etc, etc......

Just kinda keeps me going! The log is a MUST.... And I LOVE looking back over all I've done and accomplished... I am on a Firm Rotation right now (following theirs), but should do a SLIDE rotation soon... It's gathering dust!

Planned Workouts

Hi Renee! I plan my workouts according to all the different activities that I do. I haven't posted my schedule in a while because it's been the same.

Monday: cardio (usually do a hi/lo from CIA)
Tuesday: Cathe's CST tape from PS Series
Wednesday: Power Yoga w/Bryan Kest
Thursday: Cathe's SL&A tape
Friday: Pilates tape from Moira Stott
Saturday: Janis Saffell's kickboxing tapes
Sunday: Cathe's Interval Max tape

You can see no rest days because of Pilates & Power Yoga which I've incorporated into my program 6 months ago. The benefits of knowing ahead of time what you're going to do keeps you from falling off your schedule or routine. In other words, sticking to your program. Plus we just all LOVE to work out. It's just like breathing. So depending on things you love to do try to play around with working out a schedule for yourself on a piece of paper, look it over and see if you like it and then try and keep experimenting until you hit the right schedule that works for you. Take care, Kathy
I start with strength....

but nothing specific other than knowing I need to get one full body in and hopefully start the full body rotation before the start of the next other words 1.33 full bodys at least

As far as cardios, I want 3 and fit them in around the strength stuff...and the extra is gravey.

I am not the best at planning ahead...depending on my mood, I may not want to do what I picked I just go with what I feel up to at the moment. It may also depend on the previous days workout. If I had a very tough workout the day before..I take it down a notch with something easier and that goes for rest days as well...they fall where they fit appropriately....never written in stone that it should be on one certain day of the week.

I second a log. It allows you to look back at what worked and what didn't plus I find it very motivational to stay on track.

I've been wondering about the same thing

I don't plan my workouts. I generally plan what I'm going to do the night before. I balance it with what I did that day. I tried to plan a week in advance and it just didn't work out. It seems more fun to have a little freedom in this. I find myself really looking forward to getting up so I can do the tape I selected!

I do want to start adding more strength work. I want to work a few body parts each day for about 10 minutes. On this, I am going to schedule it on a weekly basis or so. I have been keeping tract of my workouts but I've got a workout journal coming in the mail that will allow me to keep tract in a more detailed manner. So maybe it depends on what you are doing on whether or not you make a schedule. Or it's just personal taste.
I'm a planner

Hi, Renee, and everyone. Since I've got Cathe on my mind for next week's workouts, I thought I'd stop in here at the forum first. I like having a plan as a starting place. Now that I have so many tapes, I want to spread the fun around.

After finishing a PS/MIS rotation, I went to FIRM for eight weeks--substituting Cathe or other tapes I like for the FIRM cardio (which I don't like). Now I'm enjoying alternate weeks of All Kari one week, and Cardio Variety the next--including Christi Taylor, Cathe, Karen Voight, Gay Gasper--the whole university!

I'm doing two or three strength days, and three or four cardio days--including one day of running. I was going to take a rest day yesterday, but Christi's Strength Balance and Flexibility was calling to me. Next week, I think I'll get out the Wedding Tape, or MIS. My barbell has been collecting dust, and I miss it.

In any case, write down your workouts each day. It's impossible to remember what you did, and reinforcing your good work with self-congratulation is vital to keeping up the habit.
I'm definitely a planner

I use my Handspring (Palm Pilot type device), and plan my workouts in advance for up to two months. It helps me use all of my videos regularly, and makes me work harder. I know it sounds wacky, but if I planned to do a 75 minute strength workout, I can't change my mind if it is already recorded, can I?

After each workout, I record the weight I used, step height, how I felt, etc., and use it as my workout log. I don't like to have to change the workout after the fact, so I just keep getting up every morning and doing it!

I am in the middle of alternating 4 weeks of the FIRM rotation with a cardio/MIS rotation, and I plan to do a PS rotation this summer to build strength. I like to keep mixing it all up, but because I'm such a planner, I need to have some idea that I'm mixing it up logically.

Sandi M.
Hi Sandy!

Where do you pick up those planners? I hate to say it, but I have never heard of a Handspring or a Palm Pilot. I was considering picking up a nice workout planner as I just use a blank journal type binder now. TIA, DebbieH

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