Check-in dropout!

Hi everyone, I have been really good about checking in the past few months,since Frebruary I think, but for the past 2 weeks I haven't checked in because I wasn't really very proud of my progress. Well, I'm happy to report that tomorrow I will be checking in again, with a week of workouts that I'm proud of. I'm just happy that we have the check-in because it's really motivated me to get myself back on track! Til tomorrow, Sarah E.
YeHaw Sarah!

We all have our bad weeks. I agree that the check-ins do help motivate though. Good luck these next weeks and keep up the good work so you'll be in great shape for the new killer workouts Cathe's going to present. WHAT AN ENCENTIVE!!
Hi Sarah

I was wondering what was lacking at the last few checkins
hehehe...looking forward to your report tomorrow!

Thanks to both of you!

See, it's great people like you that make me motivated to check in everyweek! Thanks for the support!
ANd yes, of course I ordered all of the new videos! I always have such a hard time decided which to do first whenever I get more than one at a time, I think it will kill me to choose from 8!
Sarah E.
Hmmmm... a drop out?

I think not...
You took a little break (which we all need!!)

If I recall correctly... you have done the school thang, quit smoking and are STILL hanging in there.... so a rest period? Definitely due!!!

We'll see ya tomorrow, with a GREAT check in.... Remember, it's a lifetime thang..... and we're ALL DOIN' IT... just some weeks are better than others....


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