A week off cardio



Well today is day one of a week off cardio that I need to take to heal my pulled hamstring. I was not sure if I had a sciatica problem or a pulled hamstring but my doctor confirmed today that it was definitely a pulled muscle. He told me it WILL HEAL TOTALLY if I just stay off of it for a few days, a week to be exact. So here goes...day 1 and counting.

I knew after playing ball last night that I had better heal myself now rather limp with half an effort for the rest of the season. The damn thing is I had taken a few days off last week, felt a litte better and so did a very easy step routine. But then, instead of continuing to take it easy, I started back where I left off. Silly, silly me.

I knew all of this deep down but I guess I just needed to be told. On the bright side, I am still able to do upper body weight work, abs etc. and do some catching up on reading fitness magazines and various forums.

Another lesson - relearned.

Hi Kim!

Just wanted to wish you well and tell you to hang in there. I can relate. I am just coming off a 12-day break due to surgery. It's tough but we all know that we bounce back quick once we start back up. Glad that you can at least work other body parts. We'll be thinking of you this week and sending "Healing" vibes your way!!

Cool Debbie!

Do I take it to understand that you now have the go ahead to get back into things? If so, glad to hear it.

Thanks for the words of encouragement.


The Dr. gave me the go-ahead at a slow pace to start but then after 5 more days he said I can even start lifting light! Yipeee! You don't know how good that feels! (Yes, I guess you do.) It is working out perfect because I start up my hi/lo classes that I teach this coming Tuesday morning. Luckily, I have wonderful and VERY understanding students who will have lots of patience with me. Thanks also for the kind words. Take it easy this week and we'll both be back strong before you know it in plenty of time for the new Cathe's!!
OH NO....

Poor Kim!

I feel sooooooo bad for you. But, you are wise in listening to the doctor's orders!!! And TRUST ME... you'll bounce back in no time. Better to let it heal properly in one week, then push it and have to be down for a month!!!!

Hang in there and WORK THAT UPPER BODY... Wahhhhoooooooooo...
Look at it as a strength week for the upper body.

See ya at the check-in!

Think long term

Hey, kim. Once when I had the "guilts" over a cardio break, a wise, fit friend told me, "Will it matter a year from now? A month from now?" In truth, a few extra days off will hardly be remembered in a few weeks; however, FORCED workouts during injury may very well haunt you for a long, long time.

The same theory works for that occasional dessert....believe me.

Thinking of you, girlfriend. Enjoy the lapse.
Thanks Viv

Gosh, it bites when one's advice comes back at you.

Thank you.

Hi Kim!

We are always so good at giving advice, but when it comes to taking it ourselves we could use some help. You know I'm speaking from experience myself.

Rest up, focus on upper body, and try to have patience! I'll commiserate with you.


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