Almost a magic bullet -a great book!!!



<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-00 AT 12:33PM (EST)</font></center>

It's called Dr. Shaprio's Picture Perfect Weight Loss-The Visual Program for permanent Weight Loss, and it's great, good sense, something-you-can-live-with, really neat advice!!! I sometimes order books and send them back because they don't deliver what is promised, but this one is a KEEPER!

To put it in a nutshell, there are lots of pictures of suggestions for alternates to your everyday "safe" food picks, like BAGELS! You can eat mounds of food in place of a bagel, which is not the sensible food choice we are have been led to believe it is. There's also pages of written advice on eating that YOU CAN LIVE WITH!!!!!! Weight control CAN be a lifelong, do-able thing,if you, believe it or not, EAT A LOT!!!! And believe you me, I DO!!!!!!!

I recommend that you go to a book store and page through this book to get the full idea. It's worth the effort to check it out!!!!
Thanks Honeybunch!

I'll go check it out. I am one of those "safe food" eaters. I tend to go overboard with bagels, rice ect. because it is low-fat. I can use some suggestions on alternatives and if you get MORE to eat, I'm game!! I guess that is one of the reasons I am faithful to my workouts! I LOVE to eat. Thanks for the advice. Where did you find the book around here?
I got it through Rodale books

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-00 AT 12:47PM (EST)</font></center>

....which is the Prevention magazine outfit, but I think you could get it at a plain book store since it's on the NY Times best seller list. It's REALLY a goodie!!!

We had a power outage this morning, and I was up at 4:00 AM reading this book by flashlight! Then I went into my workout room and lifted weights by flashlight! Some people would think we're nuts, but we know better

I just got this book yesterday from the library - now I am anxious to get started on it!!
Bagels and Rice are NOT safe!!

Please, please, please believe me when I say that bagels and white rice are among the MOST HIGH GLYCEMIC foods you can eat. You may be better off with a blueberry muffin or a chocolate chip cookie!!! or even a Snickers bar. And, I mean it. Check out the Glycemic Index in the book stores now. Insulin regulation is the key. I am a nutritionist--do not mess with the macronutirients. Regulate insulin.

You guys with all your great suggestions are going have my credit card maxed out in no time! I bought the book and the other nutrition books mentioned recently (eagerly waiting for them from You have also convinced me to buy all of Cathe's tapes that I don't already have when I visit the U.S. this summer. I mean, they'll be practically free, right? I won't have to pay international postage or duties on them, which can almost double the price. My carry-on is going to be full of videos on the way home!!


Why do we need to regulate insulin? I feel so confused by all of the mixed up info out there! I consider myself very informed about nutrition, met with a nutritionist once and ffelt like I knew as much as she did. I don't know much about insulin however, except that I LOVE my carbos, so I cannot, and will not ever cut them out!!
Thanks for the info!!
Weight-Loss Book

Now you've got my curiosity going. I ordered the book today from Doubleday. Maybe it'll help me lose those last 8 pounds.

You'll be glad you did... can eat lots and lots and lots!!!!! No, we have not died and gone to heaven, but close!
Thanx HoneyBunch.....

On my endless endeavor to stay at goal and keep these silly pounds off (that I must work DAILY at), I am always looking for new material to read and digest.... (pun intended)

I tend to like the Rodale Press books, but usually they are too much $$ for me! I try to pick them up at Costco or wait till I have coupons, which I happened to have a $10 off at Barnes & Noble .. and was also looking at Body For Life... so, I was able to order them both. They have been shipped out and should arrive Mon. or Tues.

Thanx for the heads up, now I have lots of reading material for the next few weeks. AND.. I'm DEFINITELY a VISUAL person! WAhhhhhoooooo......

No carbs are bad!!

Don't get me wrong...I am not, never will be an Atkins fan or promoter of a low-no carb diet. That is wrong for anyone; particularly an athletic person. Carbs should simply be of the low glycemic kind: most fruits and most all vegetables except maybe parsnips!! And, as far as fruits go, I don't differentiate. There are differences, of course, cantaloupes and pineapples are more glycemic than peaches and apples--but, for an athlete--who cares? There are plenty of good micronutrients in all of them!!
Where Atkins, Weil and some of the others ARE on track is that white rice, white bread white potatoes, some white (refined grain) pasta et. al. are insulin spikers. but you can use the WHOLE GRAIN varieties of these items and lower the glycemic value by half!
Hi Sandra

I never knew about white rice, bread, pasta and Potatoes until I read Atkins book and Iam glad I did. Iam curious about red potatoes, are they considered the same as white potatoes? I can live without white rice, bread and pasta but I love potatoes. Also are potatoes bad (couldn't think of a better word) because they are a starch (I think)???

about potatoes

Susan, while Russets (Idaho) potatoes are "starchy", the waxy smaller potatoes are moderate on the glycemic index. Assuming you like the little red ones (aka new potatoes) you're getting the same nutrients with less starch. Sweet potatoes & yams are also moderate on the glycemic index. And, long grain rices are much lower than short grain.
Hi Debra

Thanks for the info. I live in Idaho and am surrounded by farmland that grow the Russet potatoes and I can get them free!I do like new red potatoes but I don't care for sweet potatoes or yams.

Thanks again
Debra is right

Sweets and yams are lower glycemic foods; the smaller waxy red will be "ok."
? for Sandra

Many of the "pop" diets are anti-carb & I recognize that most American diets are full of low quality carbs. But if you combine a nutritious but high glycemic food like a russet potato with fiber, a little fat & protein, aren't you controlling the "sugar spike"?

reference the Weil book and others. It IS possible to combine a high glycemic food into an otherwise low glycemic menu and prevent the sugar spike. You are well read....
Recommend Books


Could you recommend some good books to read in regards to nutrition?

some good ones

there's so much hype out now. Go for FOOD, YOUR MIRACLE MEDICINE by jean carter; THE GLUCOSE REVOLUTION by Jennie Brad-Miller,; EATING WELL FOR OPTIMUM HEALTH by Andrew Weil. You don't need to go into the soy world as completely as Weil recommends, though!! But I do like soy for A LOT of reasons. Everything in moderation--and for people who exercise, we can take a little of our food favorite (whatever that is) regardless!!

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